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Minho's POV

I went back to my house as soon as the classes ended. I will go and get changed then hang out with my friends.

"Minho?" My mother called me.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"Why did you come home so late?" She questioned me in a serious tone.

"I was with my friends"

"I have served your dinner, it's on the dining table please eat it" She demanded.

"Mom I'm sorry but I'm staying over at my friend's place so I'll not be able to have dinner" I explained it to her and she nodded.

"Fine.." she sighed.

I changed my uniform into some comfortable clothes and put on my shoes then made my way towards the exit of our house.

"Mom, I'm leaving" I called out my mom and she told me take care of myself.

After that I walked through the subways and reached at Chan's place.

"Why are you so late? Everyone was waiting for you" He muttered.

"I was with someone"

"With whom?"

"Just someone let's not talk about it, let's go inside" I tried to find a proper excuse but I failed. I can't tell him that I was with my junior.

"Okay" He shortly replied.

Jisung's POV

After school ended I made my way towards my house. I love admiring the beautiful nature. I wonder how everything is so beautiful. Even animals are feathers are happy.

A smile made its way towards my face.

When I was busy in watching the nature my phone started beeping and I opened it then saw a text on Instagram.

It was Seungmin.

Hey Jisung
It's me Seungmin.

I know that you're Seungmin.

I wanted to ask
you that if you're free?
So can we hang out?

That'd be fun.

That's great
Let's meet at the school gate.

On my way.



I stopped in front of our school's gate. I saw Seungmin standing there and talking to someone soon he approached me and smiled cheekily.

"Hey Jisung"

"Hi, where did you want to go with me?" I asked him getting curios.

He is the first person who wanted to talk to me. I wonder why he is willing to be my friend.

"Let's go to the nearby game center then we'll have dinner together" He pleaded.


After few minutes of a short walk we reached the game center about which Seungmin was talking.

It was huge inside there were alot of 3D animation games.

"Let's go inside" Seungmin grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

"Let's try this one" I pointed out at a random game and our instructor taught us how to play it.


"Seungmin, Thank you" I said to him.
I felt so happy after a long time.

"Honestly, I never thought anyone will care about me unless I met" I added.

"That's what friends are for Jisung" Seungmin softly chuckled.

"Let's have our dinner"
He reminded me that we also planned about having a dinner.



"Take anything you want, it's on me" Seungmin demanded.

"No we are going to share the bill" I insisted.

"As you wish Jisung"

We ordered ttaekbokki, bulgogi and Bibimbap.

"The food is really good" I muttered in silence.

Seungmin didn't say anything but he nodded his head in agreement.

"So, which class are you in?" I asked him trying to start a conversation.

"Eleventh grade"

"I am in the same class as you but I guess our sections are different" I wonder how he became the president of student council even after being a freshman.

"You must be thinking how I am the president of student union. Am I right?" Does he has telepathy or what how did he know what is going on my mind.

"It's because my parents owns this school. But they rarely comes here because they lives outside of this country" Seungmin sighed.

"That's understandable Seungmin"

"We should go home now. It's pretty late" I added.

He just hummed in response as he got up from his seat.

"I'll pay for us-" He didn't even let me finish the sentence and swiped his card and paid.

"I told you we will share the bill but why did you pay alone" I pouted.

"Because.. I wanted to"

"Whatever you say Seungmin"

After that we parted our ways and bid our good bye.

'Thank you Kim Seungmin, Just because of you I enjoyed alot today'


NOTHING LIKE US // MINSUNG [✔]Where stories live. Discover now