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Minho's dare with Jisung is over now. He didn't get anymore dares too. Eversince their kiss, the boys stopped talking to each other, more like Minho started ignoring Jisung.

Minho was having a fight with his mind and heart. Should he start talking Jisung or Will he just keep ignoring him?  He can't understand why can't he move on from Jisung? Why he wants him to be his? He has everything still he feels empty he wants Jisung.. or I would say he needs him now.

"Hyung..." Felix lightly tapped on his shoulder. He got no answers. Felix was surprised why Minho is always lost in his thoughts.. he's not the Minho whom he used to know. He's changed. But why?

"Hyung!" Felix shouted which made Minho startle a little. "What's wrong Lix?" Saying that he eyed the younger. "Is there anything which is bothering you?" Felix's voice laced with concern. He can't see the jolly person who would talk for hours becoming silent.  "No Feli-"

"I know you're lying!! Don't you trust me?"  Felix said lowering his voice.  Minho felt regret for lying to Felix. He never lied to him. "I.. trust you.. but.." Minho hesitated a bit but he he continued, "I-I- like someone".

"YOU LIKE SOMEONE!!?" Felix jumped off his seat and widened his eyes. For a moment he thought he's hearing things but no he wasn't. He blinked several times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Minho rolled his eyes and sipped his drink, he was quite surprised at Felix's unexpected reaction. He didn't expect the younger to react this way. "Ahh sorry hyung~ tell me who's that lucky person" The blonde returned to his usual expressions. He felt embarrassed for reacting that way.

"It's someone..." Minho huffed out a sigh, he can feel his heart racing when he thought of Jisung. "It's a guy who never gonna love me back" He added later. "Why not? And who's he?" Felix asked with a worried look. Who won't want to date Minho? He's one of the richest kids and he's very popular in their school as well.

"Cause.. he said he's not into boys.." The older boy flashed a sad smile. Felix didn't care about anything and gave him a hug. "I'll help you just tell me who's he" Felix mumbled while breaking the hug. He couldn't see his friend being stressed and hurt. "It's a guy from your class"

"Is.. it Jisung?" Felix asked confusedly. Minho nodded in agreement. "I think I can help you! We are on good terms" The younger broke into a smile.

"T-thank you Lix"


"Hey! Jisung" Felix approached Jisung cheerfully. Jisung smiled
brightly when he saw Felix.
"What's up?"

"I was making this, for the art exhibition" Jisung showed the blonde a beautiful painting. "Wheew! It's really pretty!" Exclaimed Felix. "I never knew that you are so good at making paintings"

"Jisung I've to tell you something important!" Felix announced. "Yes, I'm all ears" Jisung put down his painting brush. "Minho hyung likes you"

"I know Felix" Jisung stated without any emotions on his face. His answer confused Felix. "And you're not into boys?"

"If I say yes, that would be a lie.. he confessed me but I couldn't accept him" He stated making Felix even more confused now. "Why though?" Felix twisted his brows. Minho didn't even tell him about the confession part. 

"Because.. you know some wounds might heal but the pain they caused can never be forgotten, Felix" The blonde can't get a single word that the latter said. His mind kept searching for an answer but it couldn't find any. "what do you mean?"

"I mean... I was bullied by him! What was my fault to be treated like that? One day he says he hates me and the other day I am all he wants! I am being honest.. I think I l-like him too but I can't trust him! What if he hurts me again?" Jisung felt tears building up in his eyes as he spit those words. He can't even explain how much Minho's words hurted him. "Even the deepest wounds can be healed but it needs time. You don't know Minho hyung that well but I do.. I still don't know reason of him hurting you but I can assure you that he won't be jerk this time.. Can you please trust him for once?" Felix pleaded the latter.

"You never seen life from my side Felix"

"I might have not been in the same situation as you but trust me Jisung I've observed the change in Hyung's behaviour he's not being himself anymore.. He likes you alot!" Felix announced and got up from his seat. Jisung's heart ached when he heard felix's words. But, why does he care? Minho is no one to him so why his sufferings matters for him?

"Tell h-him to meet me after schools"

"You really want to?" Jisung nodded his head nervously. Felix couldn't hold his smile at his victory! "I'll tell him" With that Felix made his way towards Minho's class to call him. It was break time so the teachers aren't there.


"Hyung!! Meet Jisung when schools are over" Felix let out a giggle. Minho raised an brow. "He wants to meet you hyung..." The blonde hesitated a bit before continuing, " And i wanna tell you something.. I'm not being rude but please don't hurt him this time" he requested. He's worried that if Minho makes any mistakes again he won't be able to help him anymore.

"I promise you, I won't!"  He mean it, he's willing to love Jisung in every way that he'll forget every damage.

"I'm glad to hear that hyung and I expect you to keep your promise" Felix passed a small smile to the older seeing his love for Jisung made him feel overwhelmed.


"Jisung? You there" Minho approached Jisung in the library.
"Yes, come in"

"You wanted to talk?" Jisung nodded as yes. He pulled out a chair and told Minho to sit there. "So, what did you want to say?" Many questions were running through Minho's mind.

"We can't be together, Minho" Jisung stated sternly. He can't let Minho break his walls. A kiss can't change his hate to love. "But why?" Minho asked in low voice. All his hope crushed when the words slipped out of the younger. "Why can't you just accept that I don't want to be with you." He hissed in annoyance. "Jisung.. I can't and you know that too" Minho's eyes shone with tears.

"You'll never know untill you put yourself in my shoes! It's easy for you confess me after all the shit you have done but it's not easy for me to accept you! I can't forget the damage you did to me" Jisung spat in a rather harsher tone. He was trying very hard to not to show his emotions to the latter. "Jisung I promise it won't happen again! I like you! I really do!" Minho looked awful, for the first time he's crying over a cry. Never in his life he liked someone genuinely. Being the only child of a big businessman who has a massive company, he never requested for anything, he got everything he want. Yet, he can't have the boy whom he loves wholeheartedly and that clenched his heart.

"M-move on, Minho and f-find somebody who l-likes you back! I can't return your feelings" The younger's voice broke with every word he spoke. He turned onto his heels and started leaving the place but Minho was fast enough to hold him by his wrist. His heart started thumping at the sudden skinship. "Let go of m-my hand"

"Forgive me, Jisung. I admit it was my fault but all I want now is to care for you and love you.. I regret everything" He finally let his tears flow which he was holding back. His heart can't take it anymore. He felt horrible for treating Jisung like that. He slowly pulled the brunette towards him and hugged his tiny frame. "I love you Han Jisung and I want you to give me the last chance" Saying that he connected their foreheads, Jisung could feel Minho's dripping tears falling on his cheeks. "B-but if you hurt me again?"

"Trust me I won't!" The older boy assured with the most genuine voice. "This is your first and last chance"

Without wasting any more time Minho connected their lips at first Jisung didn't return back the kiss but slowly he started kissing him back. Minho took it as a 'yes'.

NOTHING LIKE US // MINSUNG [✔]Where stories live. Discover now