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Jisung's POV

I immediately regretted for being so harsh at him, He was just trying to act kind but I messed up. I sighed and decided to go inside my house. As I entered our house I directly went upstairs and jumped on my bed.

I hugged my knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt exhausted by whatever happened today. From Minho approaching me at lunch time to him seating with me in the library. From Jihun's act to Minho being my saviour. Him hugging me and to me throwing harsh words at him everything played on my mind like a film.

My door cracked open as my mom entered my room. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back letting myself cry on her shoulder. "Is everything okay, dear?" She asked me while running her fingers through my hairs.

"Yes" I muttered in a soft voice.

"Take care of yourself" she stated voice sounding as gentle as always.

"I'll mom" I assured her that I'm all good.

When my mom left my room I drifted into sleep.


Minho's POV

Why did I feel hurt when he spoke those words? He stated facts but why do I care about it so much.

"Hyung! You stepped on my feet!!" Hyunjin whined.

"Did I break it?" I raised my eyebrow while placing my one hand on my hips."No" His face scrunched up as he shook his head ."Then I don't see any problem" I snapped at him.

"You're so rude" He made a dramatic face.

"Oh?" I glared at him.
"I don't see any problem in that too!" I added and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Min, why do you look upset?" Chan hyung asked me with a tone filled with concert.

"Me? No hyung I'm not upset at all!" I told him and he gave me a cup of coffee.

"I know something is bothering you Min, you can't lie to me"

"It's just that Jisung kid.." I sighed before continuing again. "Today a student from our class, Jihun was touching him inappropriately and I pushed Jihun on the floor" I explained and Chan nodded. "He run away from me but Jisung got a panic attack.. I-I hugged him in order to calm him down" I added but Chan hyung's changed expressions wasn't unnoticed by me.

"Ohh.." he whispered.

"Hyung did I do something wrong?" I questioned him but he didn't give me any answer instead he spaced out. "Hyung! I'm talking to you~!!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face and that's when he noticed me.

"Oh sorry" He said and left me alone. What's going on with him? I thought to myself.

"I think I'll be get going now" announced Chan while taking his bag from the couch.

"Hyung why so early?" Felix questioned him.
"I feel tired.." He reasoned while twisting the door knob.

"Oh then you should take some rest" Felix replied concerningly.

"Hyung I'm leaving too, let's go together" I shouted and he agreed.


We walked through the road and it was pretty cold outside. I didn't feel cold when I was at Felix's place but now I'm freezing. As a wind blew it gave me shivers.

"Take this" Chan hyung handed me his coat. "No, you'll catch a cold if I take our coat" I denied to take that coat.

"No I'm fine" He insisted as he put his coat on me.

"But hyung-"

"No buts" He cut me off while I just frowned.

"Why do you care for me so much?" I asked curiously. He averted his gaze from the road to me.

"Cause you're my bestfriend Minho!" He replied and turned his attention towards the sky. "You look so lost hyung" I sighed heavily.

"No Minho.. I am all right"

"If you say so"

I almost reached my home so I took off Chan hyung's coat and gave it to him also thanked him.

"Bye Minho, good night"
He smiled at me which didn't reach his eyes.

"Bye hyung"

I got worried because of my friend's behaviour. Oh c'mon he's my only bestfriend except him and Changbin everyone in our friends group are my juniors.

I jumped on my bed and opened Instagram. I searched for Jisung's I'd at Instagram. I knos I look like a creepy stalker but I wanted to so I did.

I saw an I'd which has his profile photo and scrolled down through his posts. He has 68K+ followers which makes him pretty famous.

There were alot of pics of sky and nature in his profile. After scrolling for like ten minutes I saw one pic of him where he was wearing black jeans and a baby pink hoodie. Adorable.

I followed him and texted him in private DM.

You better
don't ignore me

I just wanna..
Be your friend ‹𝟹

I won't hurt you
Anymore! I promise :3

Good night ;)

I texted him before closing my eyes. A smile made its way on my lips. I kept thinking about tomorrow and drifted into sleep.


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