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Felix went out with Hyunjin, at the way back home they met Changbin. At first the older didn't want to be a third wheel between the youngers but when they insisted he walked alongwith them. He couldn't help but feel slightly hurt that Hyunjin belongs to Felix now but also relaxed that they're happy with each other. He knows that being the angel he is, Felix would never hurt Hyunjin. It doesn't matter with whom Hyunjin is only his happiness matters to Changbin. As long as Hyunjin is receiving the love he deserves the older won't interrupt them.
But moving on from him was a big No to Changbin. He can't love someone else as much as he loves Hyunjin. Letting someone enter his life was too much for him. He was drowning into his thoughts until he heard the freckled boy calling him.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Felix asked in a concerned tone. He knows that there's something that Changbin is hiding from all of them which he knows and it's 'his love for Hyunjin' but  letting go of Hyunjin is too much for Felix. Changbin didn't say anything, he just looked at Felix. "Lix, do me a favour" He paused to get an answer from the blonde as he nodded head indicating Changbin to continue.

"Please keep whatever happened between us as a secret. You know.. I don't wanna lose my bestfriend atleast.. and if you want you can punish me but please don't hate me okay?" The older boy was still guilty for the past incident. He still blames himself for hurting an angel like Felix. "Hyung!! I don't even remember that topic! And why would I punish my bestfriend" The blonde emphasized the 'bestfriend' word. A relieved smiled appeared on Changbin's worried features. "You're an angel Felix.. how can you be so forgiving? If I was you I wouldn't have forgave that person who blam-"

"-It's all right hyung! I already told you that I don't mind it anymore" Felix cut-off the older before even letting him complete his sentence.  He locked their arms and dragged Changbin with him where his boyfriend was standing. "Hyunjin-ahh! Let's go home it's so cold outside"


"What are you doing?" A pout formed on Jisung's lips. He was watching Minho preparing dinner for them but not knowing what he was he making. "Do you want me to help you? I'm getting bored!!" He tugged onto the older's shirt like a koala.

"Stop whining and let me do my work" Minho pushed Jisung a little to wash his hands in the sink. "I just wanted to help you though" The younger complained. The latter came back and lifted him up by his waist and settled him down on the kitchen counter. "Just seat there" When Minho turned around, Jisung again hugged him by his waist.

"Okay you can help me in serving for us" Breaking the hug, Minho went towards the stove and turned it off.

While serving the soup, Jisung tripped on the floor and the soup fell on him. "I- I am sorry-" He cursed under his breath for the mess he created. He felt sorry for ruining Minho's hardwork. He definitely didn't expect himself to trip on the floor.

"It's fine, but are you okay!? Did you get hurt!!?" Jisung couldn't help but chuckle at how worried the older looked. But his earlier's reaction changed into a pained one when he felt the burning sensation on his hand.

"I am o-okay it's just a slight burn" Jisung said in defeat. He didn't want to worry the older so he lied. "Oh come on don't lie" Saying that Minho took him to his own room. The room was painted in all white and there were wooden furniture which looked expensive. There were captivating artworks hanging on the wall.

Minho told Jisung to wait so he could get the first aid kit from the bathroom. "Give me your hand" Minho demanded and Jisung did as he was told. "Why are you so clumsy?" As soon as the ointment touched the younger's skin he hissed in pain. "It's fine it'll burn for a while but it's important" Minho wrapped a band-aid around Jisung's hand and walked up to his closet. "Change into this. I'm going downstairs"


"Are.. you done changing yet?" Jisung froze when he heard the older's voice. Covering himself with the shirt he was holding he instantly turned around. "Get o-out" A dark flush creeped across the boy's face. "Why would I ?" Minho went closer to the brunette, he ran a finger down the latter's spine making him shiver. Jisung gulped down the lump in his throat, his heart was racing.

Minho slid down his one hand to hold the other's waist. He wrapped his arm around the younger's tiny waist and planted a kiss on the nape of his neck. The boy flinched when Minho's lips brushed over his sensitive skin. The older turned him around and connected their lips. He pulled him closer by his waist to deepen the kiss.

"Pervert!!" saying that Jisung finally escaped from Minho's grip, to which he earned a chuckle from the older. "Correction, your boyfriend"  A smirk played on Minho's lips. "Be there soon, I am waiting for you to have dinner" With that the raven haired boy went back to te kitchen. Jisung let out a long deep breath which he was holding since Minho entered the room.

Jisung entered the kitchen and Minho told him to sit on a chair. The older served themselves the food he cooked. Minho cooed over how adorable his boyfriend looked in his clothes. They were a little large for Jisung's figure which made him look even cute.

"You look cute in my clothes" A small grin appeared on the younger's face by his complement. After they were done eating their food, the pair went to Minho's room. The younger sat on a chair placed on the balcony. Just by the thought of Minho as his boyfriend made Jisung smile like crazy.  He never expected himself to fall in love with the person he hated the most, it looked like a dream but it is not.

"I have something for you" Jisung whipped his head towards the older and gave him a confused look. Soon Minho revealed a pair of two beautiful couple rings. Jisung's eyes lit up when they laid on the adorable gift. Minho stretched out his hand gesturing Jisung to give his, he did as he was told. The older slid down the ring over the brunette's finger and the other did the same too. They lifted up their fingers towards the sky and looked at their pairing rings which were glowing in the beautiful moonlight.  "I promise you to always keep you happy. I will always be by your side. I love you so much Jisung" Minho interwined his fingers with the younger and pulled him over his lap. They enjoyed each other's company in the beautiful silence. Minho can't believe that he didn't even want to see the latter but now he means everything to him. Right now, he doesn't care about the past anymore. All he wants is to be with Jisung till the end. He will do everything possible to make the younger feel loved. If we see through his point of view he was blessed to have Jisung as his boyfriend. Jisung definitely loves him but Minho loves him even more. He turned his attention towards the sleeping figure in his arms and kissed his head. "Thank you for coming into my life, my love"

He carried the sleeping boy towards his bed and placed him there carefully, trying not to wake the boy up. He wrapped his arms around the younger's waist and soon fell asleep.

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