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It's been one month since Minho and Jisung started hanging out. Jisung feels more comfortable around Minho now. He started growing feelings for him too.

Just when Jisung entered the school Minho tackled him into a hug. "Han Jisung, will you be my boyfriend?" Minho knelt on his one knee and streched out his hand. "Stop acting like a kid and get up now" The younger's cheeks turned into a dark shade of red. His heart started racing just by seeing the older kneeling in front of him. All this seemed like a dream to him. All the students who were at the cafeteria cheered for Minho.

"You didn't answer to my question though!" Minho gave a small pout. "Will you be mine?" He repeated himself. The latter gave his answer with a nod. "No! Say it through words" the raven haired boy insisted.

"O-okay I'm am y-yours" He turned his face towards the other side to not look into Minho's eyes. As soon as those words slipped out from the younger's mouth Minho placed a soft kiss on his lips. A kiss with no lust but love, a kiss that drove Jisung crazy. Minho wanted to show everyone that Jisung belongs to him. Even if they lays a single finger on his 'boyfriend' the consequences won't be good.

Breaking the kiss Minho looked into Jisung's eyes. His heart started fluttering when he saw the younger's flustered face. His face was evidence that how much impact Minho had on him. To Minho he's the prettiest boy right now. He moved some hair strands from the younger's face and placed a peck on his forehead. "I love you" Saying that Minho parted his way towards his classe.

They were unknown that someone eone was observing them from far away. It was Chan. What he just saw left him speechless. He can't accept the fact that Minho likes Jisung. His mind kept repeating the words which Minho said earlier. His heart started thumping against his chest. He didn't feel anything at the moment. He feel like someone took away all his happiness. He can't feel anything at all. His face was expressionless.

"Hyung! What's wrong?" Hyunjin knitted his brows together. "Huh-? Nothing is wrong" Chan isn't going to tell him about anything anyways though. Minho not loving him back was his fate but he will never want Minho to get hurt.

"Oh okay then let's go"


Minho and Jisung went out on a date.  Minho can't resist himself from stealing glances at the younger. He must have to agree that Jisung is so pretty.

"Where are we going?" Jisung was walking for 10 minutes and he kept asking Minho that when will they reach their destination but he didn't get any answers from the latter. "If your legs are hurting tell me, I'll carry you on my back" Minho replied back, a smirk played on his lips.

"N-No I'm fine. I was just curious about where are we going.." Jisung covered up his blushing face with his hands and walked along with Minho without complaining.

Minho dragged him towards a merch booth. "Huh- where are we going? WAIT A CONCERT!!? But whose?" Jisung bombarded Minho with questions. "Just wait a watch" He stated while passing a lightstick to the latter. "A Shinee lightstick?" The younger boy asked confusedly. But soon his confused expressions turned into a delightful one as soon as they joined the crowd of shawols. "OH MY GOD!! Y-YOU BROUGHT ME TO A SHINEE CONCERT!!!? Thank you so much Minho. I love you" Jisung felt so overwhelmed when he joined the fan-chant of shawols. All the four members were performing their songs. They asked questions to shawols as the fandom answered. Ever since Jisung was a kid he loved the group so much.

"How do you know that I wanted to attend a Shinee concert?" Jisung asked still looking at the k-pop group in front of them. "I have my own ways" Minho replied with a chuckle. He just loves seeing Jisung smiling. He could do anything to make the boy happy.

Just after the concert ended they both went towards the bus stop. They waited for like 15 minutes, they got into a bus. "Hey.. thank you.. I enjoyed alot today. It was the best day of my life!" Jisung exclaimed and interwined his fingers with Minho. "I know, afterall you attended your favourite group's concert" Minho passed a contented smile to the younger boy. Jisung's cute gestures made Minho's heart go crazy.

"Yes but do you know what made me even happier?" Jisung  looked into Minho's eyes, a curved on his lips. Minho raised an eyebrow indicating him to keep going. "...That I went there with the person I love. Attending the concert was fun but being there with you was my greatest pleasure"

"You have a beautiful soul so I like seeing you happy" Minho pulled Jisung's hand closer and placed a soft peck on his knuckles. The younger boy was on the top of the world. He never thought that he would end up with the person he hated the most. This all is like a dream to him but it isn't. It is the reality. He never imagined that Minho would pamper him with so much love. Nobody ever loved him like this before.

"You make me feel alive, n-no one cared for me this much" The brightest smile plastered on Jisung's face. With the relived feeling Jisung turned his face towards the bus window. His eyelids started getting heavy so he leaned onto the window and closed his eyes. Minho noticed his uncomfortable sleeping posture so he put Jisung's head over his own shoulder and let him sleep there. "You must be tired" Saying that he laid his own head over Jisung's and started playing with the latter's fingers.

'I'm still surprised how things changed so much. How a dare changed my whole life. I never thought that I will fall in love with you. When we first met I didn't even want to look at you but now.. all I want is you. When my friends pushed me towards you I was mad at them but now I think whatever happens is always for the good. I am thankful for your existence. Han Jisung you are the best incident that ever happened to me. I promise to protect and love you for ever' Minho slowly closed his eyes too. He can't tell what he thinks to Jisung as he is bad at expressing feelings but he wants to show his feelings to the younger in every possible way.


A/N : Han never said that his favourite group is Shinee. I wanted to add wonder girls instead but again it's Minho's favourite group not Jisung's. I don't know which kpop group is Jisung's favourite/ult so I added one of my favourite group. It's a fiction afterall ;) thanks for reading ‹𝟹

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