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Jisung's POV

I woke up when sunlight hit my face. I yawned and saw my phone which lit up with Seungmin's missed calls and someone sending me message request on Instagram. I opened it and called Seungmin.

"Good Morning Minniee" I wished him morning in a groggy voice and yawned lazily.

"Afternoon Sungie~ did you just wake up?" He questioned me and I replied with a hum. I got up from my bed and looked at the time and I noticed that it was already 12.34 PM. What the hell did I miss schools! Oh wait today is a Sunday so I again crawled into my bed lazily.

"Jisung are you busy today?"

"Yes kind of, I'll be free by 6 pm I guess" I explained and he hummed. I could tell by his tone that he's not satisfied with my answer.

"I wanted to spend some time with you~" he whined making me chuckle over his babyish behaviour.

"Can't help but next Sunday for sure!!" I told him and he replied with a ok. "I'll talk to you later Minnie bye" I added and he cut the call.

I opened my Instagram and saw a message from an unfamiliar account. It was private so I couldn't recognise him but he has 100K+ followers already. Why'd someone that popular text me was the first thought played through my mind. But I shrugged off the thoughts and opened the chat.

You better
don't ignore me

I just wanna..
Be your friend ‹𝟹

I won't hurt you
Anymore! I promise :3

Good night ;)



He replied to my texts in the speed of light. This guy is really mischievous. I guess being friends won't be a big deal and besides if he becomes my friend he won't bully me anymore.


Fine we are


Don't you want to
Say something...?

Instead of sending
Those weird emojis-

No 0.o



I closed my phone and threw it on the nightstand. This guy is surely weird. I don't understand what got into him and why does he want to be my friend. I again wrapped my blanket around my body and fall asleep.


Felix's POV

I was waiting for Hyunjin to get ready and it have been more than 20 minutes since I am waiting for him. I looked at my wrist watch while I heard his bathroom door crack open and he got out of the bathroom.

"Sorry for making you wait for so long, Lix" he stated and took out his belt from the closet as I gestured his movements.

"Can you pass me my wallet from the nightstand please?" He asked me but I only stared at him. Everything about him makes me amazed. His perfect features, his long beautiful hairs which added a charm to his beauty, his eyes and his full and perfect lips.

"Felix? Are you alright?" He snapped his fingers in front of me and that's when I came back to reality. I got flustered because I was staring at my own bestfriend. Staring is one thing but getting caught while staring at someone is really embarrassing.

He put the back of his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. "Are you having a fever? Why are you sweating and your cheeks are red! Are You really alright" He bombarded me with questions and frowned.

"I-I am all okay Hyunjin, i don't have any fever" I assured him that everything is okay as he nodded in agreement.

He come towards me and took his wallet from the nightstand and shoved it in his pocket. I couldn't help but feel some kind of urge to hold his hand.

To be honest I like Hyunjin. I like him ever since he started caring for me. Everyone in our friend group is really close to me but Hyunjin and me has the best chemistry out of all. I don't know if he is into guys or not but I think I can't hold back my feelings for him anymore.

After that day when he kissed me after Minho hyung's dare I started feeling more attracted towards him. Whenever he's around me I start feeling something unfamiliar.

I often stare at him while he's talking and no one knows about my feelings for him. I won't be a coward anymore today I'll confess it to him.

When Hyunjin turned around I grasped his wrist. "Do you need anything Lix?" He questioned and I again stared at him.

"Yes Hyun.."


"You" I pointed my index finger at him and his eyes widened for a moment I thought I'll lose him and started feeling anxious.

"W-what do you mean?" He gasped as he got flustered. Does he likes me back? Or will he push me away?

"Honestly speaking, I like you alot Hwang Hyunjin and I can't hold back my feelings for you anymore" I blurted out and shut my eyes tightly. To my surprise he took my hands on his and held it between in both of his hand.

"I like you too Lix, I like you alot, from the very first day" He mumbled softly and looked into my eyes.

"Than-" before even letting me complete my sentence he pulled me into a kiss. A proper one.

And slowly I kissed him back and I can feel him smiling between our kiss.

We parted for breath and Hyunjin cupped my cheeks with both of his hands. "You're mine now~" He grinned at me as I chuckled softly and pulled him for a hug.

"I'm always yours"


NOTHING LIKE US // MINSUNG [✔]Where stories live. Discover now