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Jisung's parents came to take him to home. He was in car while his father was driving. He didn't talk to them at all. They were worried about their son.

"Hey dear.. stop worrying now" His mom stated. She felt regret about not talking out to her son when he needed her. She never knew how much her son was going through. "I'm fine mom" Jisung assured his mother with a small smile on his face. "We will change your school if you say so" his mom gave him a worried look. "No mom I'm fine now. Also, our principal expelled Jihun from the school. So he won't bother me anymore" Jisung doesn't want to make his parents worried about him, even if he change his school he's afraid that he'll go through the same situation there too.

"Also running away from my problems won't be a good decision" Jisung added. "Okay sweetie, just in case someone again bully you or says something to you remember that we are here" His mom caressed his cheeks as he let out a small giggle. "Okay mom, I'll tell you if that happens again" He stated. He's happy that he atleast has supportive parents and good teachers. He never blamed his parents for always being busy in their work. He knows that they loves him even if they're not being able to manage time for him.

Jisung and his parents reached their destination and he silently entered his room. He took a quick shower to relax his mind from everything that happened today. All that happened played on his mind. Jihun's touch made him disgust. He hated it and he hated the fact even more that anything could have happened if Minho was not there for him. But the question is why did he save him? Even after his outburst Minho didn't hate him instead he helped him today. Thinking that he got out of the shower and threw his body on his soft bed. Lately he had been thinking that why Minho is being all nice towards him. A few days ago Minho hated him, he didn't even want to talk to him neither see his face. But, he's thankful that Minho saved his respect today. If Minho wasn't there anything could have happened to him.

A sigh left Jisung's mouth. His eyelids started getting heavy as he fell asleep. His mom quietly twisted the door knob of his room to check onto her son. She walked towards him and softly caressed hu cheeks. "I'm sorry dear, for not being able to be a good mother.. but you know that your mom and dad loves you alot" Saying that she pulled his blanket over his body and left the room.

Jisung wasn't sleeping he was pretending to be asleep. He opened his eyes as a small and relieved smile appeared on his face. "I love you too mom" Whispering that he slowly closed his eyes and started falling asleep.


Minho was surprised at his own acts about how he got so possessive over Jisung. He felt so pissed when he saw Jihun making the boy cry. He wanted to kill right away when he kissed Jisung without his consent.

He can't understand what is going through his mind. But, one thing was sure that he doesn't hate Jisung anymore instead he likes his company. He doesn't know since when he started liking Jisung's presence.

"Minho, stop worrying now. You can stay at my place if you think your mom will be mad at you" Chan told to the younger. "No Hyung, It completely fine. My mom isn't angry in fact she said whatever I did was right but I shouldn't have break Jihun's jaw" Minho let out a chuckle along with Chan. Chan knows gus friend that he will never let anyone do something bad to someone. But he have never seen Minho getting out of control for a random boy. Ofcourse Jisung is random boy for Chan but for Minho? No one knows. Yeah, Minho definitely would save Jisung but today he noticed a completely different side of his bestfriend cause of Jisung.

"Hyung, What's going on your mind though?" Minho snapped his fighter in front of Chan's face. "uhh- n-noting" Chan passed a weak smile to the latter. "You were dozing off" Minho pressed his lips into a thin line. "Oh c'mon I wasn't, I was all ears to your convo" Chan stated making Minho laugh at his childish behaviour. "Sometimes you make me feel like as if I'm the hyung and you're my younger" He ruffled Chan's hairs as ghey both broke into laughter.

Minho was unknown about how much his presence had impact on Chan but he can never confess his feelings to Minho. He's afraid.. what if Minho stops talking to him and push him away? He can't risk their friendship at any cost. He indeed likes Minho alot but he can't be selfish cause his one mistake can make the group's friendship fall apart. He can't hurt his friends and of course Minho.


Hyunjin knocked Felix's door. Felix ran downstairs and he was wearing a cute pink onesie. Hyunjin's heart fluttered at the sight as a light tint of blush appeared on his face. "Won't you come inside? Or are you staying there whole night?" Felix joked making Hyunjin realise that he was staring at his boyfriend. "Oh sorry, let's go inside then" Hyunjin told the younger.

"You look c-cute" Hyunjin stuttered while saying the sentence. "Thanks" Felix replied while blushing.
"So what takes you here?" Felix asked the latter as Hyunjin turned around. "Can't I come over to my boyfriend's place?" Hyunjin stated confidently as a smirk appeared on his face. "Of course you can" Felix replied back.

"Go upstairs and seat in my room I'll be back with snacks" Felix told Hyunjin as he made his way towards the kitchen. While observing Felix's room Hyunjin saw a small frame on Felix's nightstand which was holding a his and Felix's picture. He grinned at the picture as memories ran through his mind.

It was a summer day when they all went on a picnic. They all enjoyed alot that day. That was the day when he and Felix actually became friends and now ended up being together. He placed the frame on it's right place and waited for Felix to come back.

When Felix took the snacks and he was about to leave his mother called him. He turned back towards her as she gave him a stern look.
"What's wrong mom?" He asked his mom. "Why are hanging out with him alot these days?" The woman asked her son as she was getting some hints. "Mom of course we are best friends we always together" He stated and shrugged his shoulders. His mom didn't say anything and walked pass him.

"What's wrong with mom"
Saying that he went towards his room. He approached Hyunjin with a huge grin plastered on his face. He jumped over Hyunjin's lap while Hyunjin ran his fingers down through his hairs. Hyunjin placed soft pecks all over the younger's face which turned Felix a blushing mess. cute, Hyunjin thought to himself.

"Let's watch some movies!! Can we?" Getting up from Hyunjin's lap Felix exclaimed happily. Hyunjin nodded as Felix brought his laptop from his desk and placed it in front of them.

"Which movie should I play?" Felix whispered to the latter. "IT" Hyunjin told Felix to play a horror movie as he looked a little scared. "Oh c'mon not horror movies please" Felix smiled sheepishly. Hyunjin pulled the younger closer to him. "As long as I'm with you, that clown won't be able to scare you" Hyunjin whispered that in Felix's ear.

They played the 'IT' movie and Felix would scream every time when the jumpscares will appear which made Hyunjin giggle. He pulled out a blanket and covered himself in it and he threw it over felix's body too. "I'm tired, good night Lix" Whispering that he wrapped his arms around Felix's waist and fell asleep. The younger kissed Hyunjin's forehead and closed the laptop.

"Good night my love"


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