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After his talk with Changbin Minho left his house and went back to his own.

Changbin was finally going to school again and he was behaving like himself too. He noticed Felix and Chan joining them too. Hyunjin rushed towards Felix and gave him a tight hug. "If you don't mind can we talk for a moment?" Changbin asked to Felix as the latter gave him a confused look. "Uhh- okay.."

"So.. what's the matter?" Felix started. He was wondering why would Changbin want to talk to him? "I'm sorry Felix.." He stated while holding the both of Felix's hands. "For what?" Felix was even more confused now. "For everything.. I am guilty about my earlier's behaviour. I'm so sorry" Changbin was holding back his tears but he failed. "I am sorry for saying all those stuffs.. i was angry but I shouldn't have blamed you.."

"I don't mind it hyung. what matters for me it that we are still friends and I am thankful for that" Felix gave the older his signature smile and wiped his tears with palms. "C'mon don't let them know that you turned into a crying mess!" He joked making the latter chuckle. How someone could hold grudges against a literal angel like Felix though? He's so down to this earth.

Just after the classes were over Felix and Hyunjin asked everyone for their leave. They walked home together and Felix is going to stay at Hyunjin's place tonight. Minho saw Jisung with Seungmin, they were happy, unknowingly Minho started smiling just by a sight of the brunette. He wanted to approach Jisung but he couldn't. He felt it wrong, he knows he'll end up doing something stupid so he won't. His heart told him to talk to Jisung but he held the urge back and he walked passed Jisung without even sparing a glance to him. Jisung felt slightly hurt but then remembered about last night so he shrugged off the thoughts.

"Min? You okay?" Chan asked concerned. Minho flinched at first but then relaxed knowing that it was none other than his bestfriend. "Yes I'm fine" Faking a smile Minho started walking away, Chan ran behind him and gave him a worried look. He can tell that Minho is hiding something. When everyone were talking Minho was silent. "Stop stalking me everywhere I go" Minho gave Chan a tired look. He knows that Chan will never stop bothering him somehow he likes it when his hyung starts acting like a kid when they're together.

"I'll go to your house toda-" . "No ! You won't cause last time when you came to my house you broke mom's favourite vase" minho cut him off in the midst of his sentence. "Then I've an idea" Chan stated cheerfully. "Mind me telling your idea sir." Minho asked sarcastically, Chan didn't mind his behaviour at all instead he laughed at Minho's childish behaviour. "You'll come over to my house" Chan let out a small giggle as Minho sighed at his stubbornness. When Minho was about to decline his offer Chan pulled him by his elbow and made his way towards his house.

"Minho do you need anything?" Chan sat on his bed and looked at the younger who gave him a tired look. "Nah! Just let me go home I'm tired and I wanna sleep" He stated, making a pout. Oh How much Chan adores his cute habits. "No, I won't" Chan replied while sticking out his tongue. "I'M HUNGRY~" Minho whined. He behaves this way only when he's with Chan. He loves teasing the older so does Chan. "I'll ask mom to give me some snacks for you then" Saying that he exited the room.

"Unfortunately.. here's no snacks" Chan shrugged his shoulders. "Then let me go home" The other said excitedly. He didn't lie when he said he's hungry and he's tired to. He couldn't sleep last night. "No! We'll go to a nearby convenience store to buy something." The older boy scoffed. "I'm really tired hyung and also I don't want to burden you.." Minho yawned and fell asleep on the table.

'You look so adorable while sleeping..' Chan thought to himself. He carried Minho's sleeping figure to his bed and laid him there. He wrapped a blanket around his body and left the room. Everytime he's around Minho he feels like his heart is going to jump out of its cage. He can't keep denying his feelings anymore. 'Maybe Minho also likes me back? I'll never know if I don't give it a try' He thought to himself. They have known each other for almost a very long time now. Chan turned around to let the younger sleep for a while.

"Don't go.." Minho held his wrist making him gulp. "I'm sorry" The raven haired boy mumbled in between his sleep. "I'm not leaving" The older whispered to Minho while taking his tiny hand on his own. Minho is a heavy sleeper he won't know what's happening when he's asleep. He doesn't even know whose hand he's holding right now. Chan moved some hair strands which were covering Minho's face. To Chan, he is prettiest boy he had ever seen. He caressed Minho's cheeks "You could never be a burden, Minho, when all I've wanted to do is care for you" Chan chuckled and placed a soft kiss on the back of latter's hand which he was holding.


"Felix, don't you think so that Minho hyung isn't behaving like himself?" Hyunjin asked to the boy who was playing with his puppy. "I don't think so Hyun.." Felix said while putting down the small creature down from his lap which instantly ran onto his owner's lap. "You're not getting my point, Lix. I mean yesterday he called me to his house to help him in getting dressed for his day out with Jisung and yet he's the one who left early. Also, did you notice how he ignored Jisung today?" Felix thought for a while before nodding. "Yes I've noticed that too... Did something happen between them?" Felix gave Hyunjin a determined look. He's wondering what could happen in a day. "I was thinking the same.. ya'know Minho won't even tell us so can we ask to Jisung instead?" Felix nodded to the latter's question. "But for now.. I want to spend our moment.. can I hug you?" Felix said making the latter blush..


Minho woke up and saw his hands interwined with Chan. He didn't freaked out, why would he? It's just him and his bestfriend. He noticed that Chan was sleeping in a very uncomfortable posture. "Hyung.. get up~ I don't want you to catch a cold because of sleeping on the floor all day long" He shook the latter a little, Chan fluttered opened his eyes and got up from the floor. He was sitting on the floor while holding onto Minho's hand.

"I think I should go now" Minho told Chan and he nodded. "Would you mind if I walk you home?" The older boy asked. "Not at all hyung" He chuckled softly. He can't get it why Chan is behaving strange today. He's taking too much care of him. Well, Chan is always caring towards him but today he's being extra caring.

"Let's go now"


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