Kailyn's POV {Chapter 3}

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It was about a week later, when I got released from the hospital, again. Although I was showing signs of recovering, I was still on bed rest. It was almost torture, being cooped up in my bed for weeks and weeks. The worst part? Kirstin can't sleep with me, so says the doctor. I still couldn't walk without pain or not giving up. I woke up and winced, trying not to worry Kirstin, Scott, or Mitch. It's bad enough that Mitch was shot, I really wished that he would calm down and care for himself. My entire body ached still, but was getting better. My back was what hurt me the most. Scott gently knocked on the door and when I answered him, he stepped inside. He smiled at me as he came to sit on the edge of my bed. Scott gently put his hand on my injured leg. I then saw that his blue eyes were not as bright as they were normally and I knew why: He was tired.

Scott: Did you sleep okay last night, sweetie?

Me: The best I could without Kirstin.

Scott: She'll be able to sleep with you soon.

Me: Soon isn't soon enough, Scott. What if I have a nightmare that won't go away? I want her beside me and I know that she feels as though she's breaking her promise to always stay by my side.

Scott: Kailyn, we won't let you down. She could be in here quickly and you know that. Kirstin understands, well I hope she does.

I leaned into him and he held onto me as I buried my face in him. Scott gently rubbed my back as I sat in his arms. He didn't know what was wrong, but he knew someone that could help. As if the thought had summoned her, Kirstin gently opened the door. She was quiet, so I guessed that Mitch might still be sleeping. Kirstin came over and took me from Scott's arms, who smiled warmly at her. I watched Scott walk out of the room, making a mental note to ask him how he has been sleeping. Scott seemed exhausted and it killed me to see him like that. Kirstin gently pulled my body into her lap, so she could comfort me better. Maybe I could go to sleep and then Kirstin wouldn't want to put me down. Thoughts along those lines came into my head, but then I realized that Kirstin was right there, holding me. Her voice was gentle and soft with love and care.

Kirstin: What's the matter, sweetheart?

Me: I hate not being able to sleep with you. What if I have a nightmare or something goes wrong? I might have died if you weren't there beside me that one night.

Kirstin: Honestly Kailyn, I feel the same way. I want to be by your side to help in you in those times. It will be okay, sweetie. How about tonight, I will sleep with you.

Me: I would love that!

I pressed my battered body against hers and enjoyed her warmth. She smiled as she ran her hand down my arm.

Kirstin: You never answered about when you wanted your wedding. So when did you want it?

I sat up and she helped me to sit on my bed comfortably. Honestly, it was comfortable with the pillows helping my back from hurting too much when I leaned against the headboard. I thought about it and smiled because I could still feel Kirstin's warmth from her hand as it rested on my arm.

Kirstin: I'm not hurting you, am I?

Me: No. It feels comforting. Now I do have one question and I hope that you know the answer to it.

Kirstin: Is it about the wedding?

Me: In a way, yes. When exactly are you starting tour?

Kirstin: Are you wanting to know, so you know what months are out of the picture?

Me: Yeah.

Kirstin: We will be starting the tour mid-April, so that would mean that we would have to leave around late-February to start getting everything ready.

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