Kirstin's POV {Chapter 4}

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I woke up and stretched. A weird feeling inside me made me get up. I wanted to check on Kailyn. I yawned before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. Why is this feeling causing dread to come? I asked myself as I stood up and quickly walked to the door. A noise outside my window caused me to turn around and move cautiously toward the window. What was that? Looking out the window, I could see nothing but the mountains beyond the cabin. Then I thought to look down and saw a shadow of someone I had never seen before. A gasp left my mouth as I saw a red container in their hand. Wait, is that...a gas can? When I looked closer, I realized that it was a gas can. No, no, no, no. Kailyn! I whipped around and bolted to the door but was thrown to the floor when an explosion exploded from outside, blowing out my window. I winced as glass shards were showered into my skin. Trying my hardest not to hurt myself more, I gently removed as much glass that I could. Immediately, I could sense smoke and flames in my room. I started coughing, and then I heard Kailyn coughing.

Me: Kailyn! Are you okay?

There was no response from my friend and I cried out in agony and distress. If anyone comes to save us, get Kailyn out first, please. I then could hear Kailyn pounding on the door. She's alive! The worst thing that I could imagine was that Kailyn's pounds on the door were growing weaker and weaker. No! Kailyn, stay strong. They'll save us. I stood up and rushed to the door, and used common sense not to touch the doorknob. I rammed my shoulder into the door, intended to get to my girl. Not dying on my watch. A cry of pain left my mouth when embers fell from the ceiling after it creaked. Oh no. This cabin isn't going to last long. Again, I started ramming the door with my body. I stood back from the door, staring at it. I was panting and my entire left side was throbbing and probably bruised from ramming the door. My body was shaking and I wondered if it was from pain or exhaustion. I was just starting to feel weak, but I was not giving up. I coughed before, I bolted forward and slammed into the door, but it wouldn't break. Ugh! I had these doors too strong! Why was I so stupid! This time when I staggered backward, I fell. I landed heavily on my right side and was left winded. Help! I can't last much longer! I stumbled to my feet and stared at the door. I will get past you and to Kailyn if it's the last thing that I do. I thought as I closed my eyes and shot forward and using the remaining strength that I had, rammed into the door, but once again it stayed intact. No! Why? Why isn't this stupid door not breaking. I weakly slammed into the door before collapsing on the ground. I kept my mouth shut, when the doorknob fell onto my skin. Wait what? The doorknob just fell. I looked up and saw that the wood was cracked. It was close to breaking! I tried to stagger to my feet, but I collapsed. No! I closed my stinging eyes as my breathing became shallow. Everything went black, but I wasn't unconscious. I felt my body being lifted; however I couldn't open my eyes. I strained my ears to try to hear Kailyn, but I couldn't hear anything and we were moving too fast. Once I could feel the cool September air, it was as if I was snapped to reality. I heard Scott's worried voice.

Scott: Kirstin! Is she...dead?

I'm not dead, Scott Hoying. But someone get inside that cabin and get my girl out of the burning cabin. Now! I longed to say, but weakness kept me silent. When I was placed onto the ground, a surge of energy made my eyes open. I smiled when I saw Scott at my side.

Scott: Kirstie! You're awake!

Me: Scott, where's Kailyn?

Scott sighed and hesitated. She's still in there? Why aren't they going inside to get her out. I then realized as I suddenly started to push against Scott's arms.

Scott: Kirstin, what in the world do you think that you are doing?

I didn't say a word and kept pushing against Scott's arms that were blocking my path. Let me go, Scott Hoying. I will go save her if no one else cares about my girl! I pushed harder and was able to get past him. Running full speed towards the cabin, I was then stopped by Mitch.

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