Flashback 4

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Thunder exploded overhead, which sent a chill down my spine. I was in Kings Island at a drink refill place. A guy caught my attention as he ran for cover. I was curious then I realized it was Kailyn's friend Scott. That would mean that Kailyn's here. Then I saw Mitch right behind Scott, but no Kirstin or Kailyn. Where's my sister? I searched the crowd outside, hoping that Kailyn was near, but I couldn't see anything or my baby sister. My heart dropped as I opened the door and asked someone who had come inside. "Is anyone else out there?"

"There's a girl that has brown hair. I think her foot is stuck."

"Was there someone with her?"

"Yes. A lady with medium brown hair. She was helping the other one."

That has to be Kirstin and Kailyn! I opened the door again as lightning exploded across the sky, making me jump. That's when I saw my baby sister standing with Kirstin, trying to do something around her ankle. That's when I also saw a crimson substance trickling down her ankle. Oh no. Large raindrops started falling, and within moments Kirstin and my sister were soaked. They could get sick like that! My mind was racing as I watched my sister and Kirstin fight with something that was wrapped tightly around my sister's ankle. I paced then someone pulled me inside. "What the heck?"

"It's hailing."

I stopped fighting and bolted to the window. Sure enough, there were balls of ice falling from the dark sky. No, no, no, no. Kailyn, get inside! Please. I pounded the window, but it wasn't heard over the storm. My sister stretched her body over Kirstin's, shielding the singer from the growing hail. The hail pounded her back, and I saw pain glazing her brown eyes. My heart ached for her, and then I saw a small silver wire that was attached to the ground and ran all the way to a pole. Victoria was standing there tightening it. VICTORIA! I wanted to murder that idiot. I went to the door and bolted across the way. By then, the hail had stopped, and I watched my sister collapse beside Kirstin. Her sides heaved from pain. I went over there, took Vic's knife, and cut the wire, allowing Scott and Mitch to cut it from her ankle. It made me sick seeing my sister's ankle bleeding. I wanted to run over there and see if she was okay, so I did, but I was blocked. I tried to push toward my sister, and eventually, I was allowed, but she was gone. Scott had her in his arms, carrying her out of the park. I followed, wanting to hold my baby sister in my arms to ensure she was safe and okay. I wanted to protect her. But I lost sight of them, and I gave up. There was no way that I would find them because I don't know where Kailyn's new apartment was. I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Victoria beside me. "Oh, Jess. You know that was only to weaken her."


"She's dying tomorrow, so ya."

Not on my watch. I shoved her again, making her fall into a puddle. I stalked over to her and grabbed her shirt. Lifting her up, I glared at her. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SISTER, OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!"

With that, I threw her down onto the ground back into the puddle, which left her winded. I felt proud of myself; therefore, I stalked out of that park and to my car. I broke down crying as I remembered seeing my baby sister lying, breathing heavily from getting pounded with hail.

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