Kailyn's Dream {Part 1} [Chapter 9]

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It was dark and it seemed late at night. This felt like a different dream than what I had before. This is very interesting. I thought as I watched a car back out of a driveway. I watched the same car stop at a stop sign but didn't continue. Suddenly the driver pulled out her phone as if she had received a text message. As if I was the person, I could easily see the message on the screen. It read:

When you get home, you're in trouble.

At once, I could tell that the driver was starting to get nervous or upset. It made me wonder if she did nothing wrong. She might have just been a little late because there was a meeting. But then I remembered she left from a house, not an office, so it couldn't have been business related; could it? Then another message appeared on the screen:

Where are you?

Okay, whoever this guy is texting her needs to calm his tail down. She is on her way, and this guy is only not helping her. I would suppose it would be her husband or possibly boyfriend. How was I supposed to know? This is a strange dream. How does this have to do with anything about me? So far, I haven't seen Kirstin, Scott, Mitch, Kevin, Matt, Jessica, Samantha, or Jacob. So what is this about? Soon another text message appeared:

You're going to get it when you get home.

Dude, leave her alone. She's on her way right now, and you are doing nothing to help her. At this point, there were tears in the driver's eyes and I could sense a growing sense of fear and uneasiness. A thought passed through the driver's mind: Should I turn around? Or just take my punishment? Okay, this is getting weird and interesting. I still have no clue what this has to do with me. Then another text message appeared and the driver was crying and trembling at this point.

Get home NOW!

There were tears streaming down the driver's face as she then started driving again. Somehow, I was in the passenger's seat, but that only lasted a moment. Now I was in a house, and watching as a man paced around the living room with his hand in his pocket. When lights appeared outside, he pulled out what was in his pocket. A silent gasp left my mouth as I realized what it was. Are those really handcuffs? And what is he planning on doing with those? When I walked forward, the door unlocked, and the man was gone. Where did he go? I wondered as the same girl cautiously stepped into the house. She shut the door hesitantly, and her hand had a death grip on her phone as she fearfully looked around the living room. It made me confused as to why she was so scared. Why would she be so scared? Suddenly the man threw her against the wall, but it was face first. She hit the wall hard, and a cry of pain left her mouth. Then the man jerked her hands backward and handcuffed her. He then slipped something onto her neck, and she winced in pain. It appeared that he then attached a leash to whatever was around her neck. When I looked closer, I saw a collar around this poor girl's neck. Oh.my.word. You have got to be kidding me. Okay, just because she was a little late doesn't give you the right to treat her like a dog. The man was holding the leash tightly as he kicked her to the ground. She whimpered in pain, and he smirked. You little. There was anger welling inside me, but it felt as though I was a ghost so, I was defenseless. Why is this happening? This was terrible, and I couldn't even help this girl that was already in pain it appears like. Then he jerked it a couple times and she whimpered again. The man snarled: "You shouldn't have been so late or disobedient."

What in this absolute world did she do wrong? He jerked the leash again and she grabbed onto her leg in reaction, only to be slapped across the face. Hard. She whimpered in pain and he slapped her again at least twice. Stop! What is she doing wrong besides having a natural reaction to pain? The man then dragged the defenseless girl to the bedroom, where he handcuffed her to the bed. She mananged to choke out: "Please, Mark. We have rehearsals tomorrow."

Okay that makes sense. Wait is she a singer? The man punched her in the stomach and she cried out in pain and he continued to punch and kick her until her eyes could hardly stay open. There was pain glazed in her eyes and when he then kicked her hard, in the stomach she screamed pain. This made me even angrier. I stepped forward but then my attention was drawn to lights outside. Huh? Maybe it's the police! When I silently walked over to the door and walked through the wall, I saw a brown-haired guy getting out of his car. I could still hear the cries of pain as the man, supposedly named Mark kept kicking the girl chained and handcuffed to the bed. I quickly went back and just in time to see her open her eyes and mouth: "Help, Scott"

Scott? That sounds familiar. The man then left and returned within moments with water and a knife. He wouldn't dare. I stepped forward and willed whoever was at the door to hurry up. Mark went to stab her stomach, but his hand jerked when a knock sounded at the front door. She whimpered in pain, which I didn't know was loud enough to reach the front door, as blood poured from a cut on her wrist. When I studied it more, I realized something. Hold on a second, that is the same wrist that Kirstin had a cut on when I first met her. Is that Kirstin, being kicked and whatever else that the man was doing to her? Then a voice sounded at the front door: "Kirstie? You okay in there?"

It is Kirstin! When I looked closer, I could easily see that it was Kirstin. First of all, what kind of nightmare is this and second of all, who is this Mark guy? I wondered as the person outside started pounding on the door. "Kirstin Maldonado, open this door, please."

The voice wasn't Scott's, though. It was Mitch's. But Kirstin said 'Help, Scott.' Was she confused as who her own best friends are? But then again she was under a lot of stress and not to mention terrible pain. Then Kirstin opened her mouth and weakly said: "H-help, M-Mitch."

Okay, that time she said 'Mitch' instead of Scott. I would suppose she could have not known it was Mitch at first and supposed it was Scott when in reality it was actually Mitch. I heard the door burst open and then I saw Mark reach into a drawer to pull out something. I gasped when I saw what it was. No! You will not kill her! I bolted foward and stood infront of Kirstin, but she didn't seem to see me. Wait what? Mitch rushed into the house and looked around anxiously for his friend and he cried out: "Kirstin? Where are you?"

"I-In the bed-r-r-room. M-Mark, p-please." He raised the gun to her and the next thing and last thing that she said was: "NO!" A loud bang echoed through the house as a cry of pain sounded from Kirstin. Mitch stopped and cried out: "KIRSTIN!"

The bullet went right through me and didn't hurt me. How in the world? What kind of dream is this? For starters, I would believe that I was invisible. When I turned towards Kirstin, that's when everything became black.

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