Chapter 8 {Part 4}

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A gentle knock sounded and Jacob's voice came from outside.

Jacob: Kailyn, I brought someone!

Kevin solemnly walked to the door and opened it. Jacob saw my limp body and bolted into the house with Jasper close behind him. Tears were streaming down his face as he asked Kevin what happened, who explained everything quietly as if he was trying to not upset Kirstin any more than what she was already. Jacob called 911 and when he hung up, he dialed Samantha.

Samantha: Hello, Jake! What do you need?

Jacob: You need to come to Kailyn's house now. Your sister needs you.

Samantha: Which one?

Jacob: Jessica.

Samantha: Where's Kailyn?

Jacob: Dead.

A sob came from the other line as Samantha received this news. Jacob allowed her to hang up and get on her way to the house. He returned to my limp body and then he gently encouraged Jessica to step back. She refused to leave my side even though my body was lying deathly still. He bent over the best he could with Jessica still mourning. Jacob leaned down and whispered: "Don't leave, baby."

Jacob: Jessica, I can attempt to save her with CPR, but I need you to step back.

Jessica: C-Can I stay beside her?

Jacob: Yes. If you want, you can hold her hand.

Jessica nodded, solemnly, before she picked up my hand. Another wave of grief swept through her as she felt how cold my skin was.

Jessica: Do you think that you can bring her back?

Jacob: It won't be me, it will be love.

He leaned over and gently put his hands on my chest in the right position. Then he hesitated.

Jacob: Wait a moment.

He cautiously reached his hand into my shirt and felt where his other hand was. His blue eyes were confused.

Jacob: Why ain't there a pulse or heartbeat?

Kevin: What do you mean, sir?

Jacob: Her chest is warm as if she's alive. It would be cold if she wasn't.

He then put his other hand on my neck where a pulse would be. A smile parted his lips as he felt a pulse.

Jacob: She's alive! I have a pulse!

Kirstin lifted her head and looked at my body and she smiled. I was breathing. Jessica smiled and put her fingers on my wrist then felt my chest where my heart would be.

Jessica: She has a heartbeat! Kailyn, please come on. I'm here.

My fingers twitched, and Jessica flung her arms around my body, which was warming up, but my skin was still ice cold.

Jacob: She's cold, so we couldn't feel a pulse. She wasn't dead, at least, I don't think she was.

Jessica: She needs to hear these next words. Kailyn, I haven't told you this enough lately, but here I am now. I love you more than anything, and the real reason why I wanted to stay here was to be with you. You are my sister; nothing can change that. With our mother dying, you and Samantha, plus our father, are all we have left. Family comes first, and now I know what that's like. The actual reason why that rope was tied around my neck was that I started trying to get out of what Zac and Victoria were doing. We are now both on their kill list, and I promise you this. I will fight for you till my last breath. I will die protecting you. I love you, sis.

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