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Vilya walks on in a daze, she just got fired from her job, she hasn't eaten properly for a few days, she doesn't want to go home to her gold digger aunt, only to be scolded, insulted, and pelted by things. She was fed up, she was alone with no parents, no friends, no place to lean on for her.

She walked aimlessly, without realizing it she entered the forest area, her watch showed 11.55 pm, almost to midnight. She didn't know where to go, her eyes were swollen from crying, she wanted to die.

Suddenly from behind she heard footsteps. She turned her head "who is that?!" She snapped "get out!"

Suddenly, three men came out from behind the bushes, they grinned lewdly at her

"At a night like this, a pretty girl like you why go into the forest alone?" The fat one said seductively

"None of your business!" She snapped "leave me alone!" Vilya turned away

"Wait!" Suddenly they confronted Vilya "why the rush?" asked the red-haired man

"Get out of the way!" Vilya snapped

The black haired man took her hand "let's have fun together!"

"Let go!" Vilya tugged at her hand, Finally she bit the man's hand and managed to escape. She ran into the forest

"Get her!" The fat man yelled

They ran after her, Vilya panicked she kept running deeper and deeper into the forest, suddenly the redhead threw a stone at her and hit her in the shoulder making her fall down.

They circled around Vilya like a lion around its prey.

"I told you not to fight" The black hair said "hold her!" He said

they held Vilya's legs and arms tightly "Let me go!" She is screaming

"Shut up!" The black haired man slapped Vilya across the face and bruising it.

He then tore off Vilya's blouse and revealed her bra

The three of them whistled "we're going to have fun tonight"

Vilya cried, she closed her eyes, and wanted to surrender. Maybe this was the end for her, but suddenly strength and confidence grew within her. She kicked the blackhead right in the groin, she bit the redhead, and poked the fat man in the eye with her fingernail.

She quickly stood up and ran

"Damn you bitch!" curse them

Vilya continued to run into the forest, she panicked, her breath hitched and her eyes were blurry as tears flooded all over her face.

She saw a huge white light in front of her, without thinking she entered the white light....

    She fell down in a forest, a forest that was foreign and different from the forest before. The forest is beautiful, and filled with fireflies.

She saw from a distance someone walking toward her. "Hey! Help, help me!" She screamed, burst into tears

The person ran towards her, the closer he got the clearer he was. he wore strange clothes like a gold colored dress, and a crown on his head, his hair was long and black.

Vilya widened her eyes when she saw that person approaching with a shocked face towards her "Elrond.... I'm dead" Those were the last words she spoke before the darkness overtook her and she fell down

FIND MY WAY (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now