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Vilya was playing tag with the Elfings in Imladris, she looked so happy and laughing so much that she didn't realize that Celeborn was watching her seriously.

Celeborn walked slowly to him "having fun, my child" Celeborn said softly

Vilya and the Elfings who were playing suddenly stopped and gave curtsy.

"My lord" Vilya bowed, her face very strict

Celeborn smiled "don't be so shy"

Vilya smiled back

"I see you like playing with the elfings."

"Yeah! They're so adorable, and cute too!" Vilya said enthusiastically

Celeborn chuckled "Vilya...."

Vilya's face turned tense "Y- yes...."

"Your name is funny, like my son-in-law's ring name, Lindir said you're not from here, and also lost your memory. Is that true?"

Vilya nodded "some important memories, My lord. But I can already see faint shadows. Maybe in a little bit it will be completely intact" Vilya explained

Celeborn approached her, he held Vilya's shoulder "don't rush my child. Relax, besides I'm glad you're here, you make Imladris more colorful" Celeborn smiled, he then rubbed Vilya's forehead "you remind me of my granddaughter, you must have heard about it a lot"

Vilya smiled shyly "yes" She answered "but My lord I was curious, don't you have suspicions of me?" Vilya asked

"Why should I?" "A foreign girl, memory loss, has a resemblance to an important person in someone's life, am I not suspicious in your eyes? Because in the eyes of some people here, I am"

Celeborn laughed "oh my child, I can see something in you that others don't, so I believe in you. Fate brought you here, fate will also answer what your purpose is here" Celeborn touched Vilya's chin gently "then, excuse me"

Vilya curtsyed him

"You don't have to do that, my child"

"But I am nobody, and you are a Lord" Vilya answered

"I don't really care about that, in my eyes we are all the same" Celeborn smiled and left

FIND MY WAY (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now