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     Today Vilya is going with Elladan and Elrohir to visit Mirkwood and meet Legolas, Vilya is packing her things, while the twins are having a laugh with Glorfindel.

Elrond approached them with a smile on his face "Is everything okay?" he asked

"Yes, adar" Elladan replied

Elrond spread his arms and the twins ran into his arms. Elrond hugged his sons and kissed their foreheads "give my regards to Legolas, and boys please.... Don't drink too much Elvenking's wine" he warned The twins laughed

"Yes, Adar!" they answered

"Can I trust you two?"

The twins looked at each other and laughed "NO!" They answered in unison

Elrond shook his head and smiled, he then approached Vilya and hugged the girl "have a safe journey. And my dear, I hope you don't fall in love with Legolas" Elrond joked

Vilya's face reddened with embarrassment. But her expression changed as she noticed that Elrond's face was paler than before, and his eyes were a little red "my lord, are you alright? you look pale" Vilya said

Elrond laughed "just tired. It just needs a good rest"

Vilya nodded

The three of them got on their horses and started moving their horses slowly

"See you soon, adar" Elladan said

Elrohir waved a hand followed by Vilya, but Vilya's face looked worried.

    Elrond was working on a document on his desk when Erestor came up to him

"Can I have a word, my lord?" he asked

"Erestor, of course"Elrond answered

"There are concerns about your attitude"

"My attitude? My attitude to what?" Elrond asked confused

"Against Vilya" Erestor answered firmly

"Huuh" Elrond sighed "what's wrong?"

"I'm afraid you are too soft on her. And the people of imladris also realize that and start worrying about your attitude towards her"

"She's a little girl, Mellon. She's lost in a world where she shouldn't be, with no parents, fuzzy memories, and a harsh life. I have to give her some comfort" Elrond replied calmly

Erestor bit his lip, he started to get impatient "no. She's the one who gives you comfort! I know that girl reminds you of Arwen. You even gave Arwen's bracelet to her. Mellon, even though I like her and she reminds you of Arwen too, she's not Arwen." Erestor said firmly

"I know!" Elrond raised his voice "she is not my Arwen, she never will be!" He snapped "but at least let me release a bit of my longing for my daughter through that girl. Because of her presence I can see my daughter again inside her. That's all" His voice broke, Elrond seemed to be holding back tears. some of the papers in his hands fell "she's not Arwen, she never will"

Suddenly his head seemed to spin, and with that Elrond fell to the ground, fainted, all the papers scattered. Elrond's world went dark.


while Erestor's scream was deafening, bringing Lindir and Glorfindel running in panic

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