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     Vilya opened her eyes slowly, she looked around and realized she wasn't home, but she realized she wasn't alone. There was someone standing behind her. Panic-stricken Vilya woke up suddenly, and makes her head hurt, just like being hits by a rock

"Aww!" She winced

Elrond turned his head in surprise, he approached Vilya "are you okay?" he asked in shock

Vilya, who had realized and she knew who was in front of her, became afraid and moved away from Elrond

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. My name is Elrond, I am the lord of imladris, you are now in my house"

Vilya saw that the clothes she was wearing were not her own, quickly pulled up the blanket and covered her chest

"Don't be afraid! I didn't do anything to you, the maidens who changed your clothes, because your clothes were so ruined when I found you"

Vilya recalled the disgusting incident she had experienced, fell silent and trembled

"If I may ask, what's your name, little one?" Elrond asked softly

Vilya didn't hear Elrond's question because she was still thinking about that terrible thing. She shed tears and trembling, she hugged her body tightly

"Oh Valar, poor little one. What happened to you, my child?" Elrond asked "don't... Don't cr-" Elrond raised his hand hesitantly "don't cry" He wiped away Vilya's tears "you are safe here" Elrond then stood up "if you are still unsure about telling me, I won't force you. I assume you haven't eaten anything, so I'll have the maid bring you something to eat. I'll be back at noon to check on you."

Elrond then walked away leaving Vilya alone.

Confused and shocked Vilya hugged her body tightly and she cried.

   Three maidens entered the room with trays full of food. They put the tray on the table near the bed where Vilya was sitting

"My lady, there is food. You better eat first, after that my lord Elrond will come back to check on you" The maiden said

Vilya nodded, she then got off the bed and walked towards the table. She sat on the chair. "Thank you" She said

The Maidens bowing and left the room.

     Without hesitation, Vilya took a piece of lembas bread and put it in her mouth. The bread was very good, and Vilya forgot that eating even a small amount would make her full, she took the water that was in the glass and took a sip.

"Okay, that's enough" She then tidy up the table "at least I'm someone who knows how to return favors"

    Elrond entered the room and found Vilya looking out the balcony. When Vilya turned her back on him, Elrond was shocked, he seemed to have seen a ghost


Vilya turned her head and she was surprised to see Elrond

"Oh my apologize, I thought you were someone else" He smiled "come sit here"

Vilya walked towards the bed following Elrond's orders. She sat down and Elrond also sat in front of her

"I'm going to check the bruises on your temple" He says

Vilya nodded

Elrond tossed Vilya's hair by his ear, and saw a bruise on her temple. "Looks like things are getting better, just a little red spot" He smiled "it will disappear in a few hours"

"Thank- thank you" The stammered words managed to come out of Vilya's mouth

"Now you can speak" Elrond smiled

Vilya nodded

"If you don't mind, may I know your name, my child?" Elrond asked softly

"My name is Vilya" She answered

Elrond was surprised, he then chuckled "strange. Vilya is my ring name"

"I know" Vilya said

Elrond frowned "beg your pardon?"

"I know. Everything"

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