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Elrond opened the letter, there was Tolkien's own handwriting

Dear my beloved Elrond....

Thank you for accepting me so kindly, and telling me all the great stories of middle earth to me, and sharing your great, yet tragic life experiences. I will tell all your experiences and stories in my world, and make those who read them amazed but also touched by the great story and the beauty of this world which is called the middle earth.
What a great sacrifice you have, my friend. You are a good person who lost everything you care about because of mortality. Therefore I promise. At the right time, I will return your daughter to you. She bears my name, but she is your flesh and blood.
When you see her, you will feel something inside of you that will let you know she is your daughter. She has black hair, blue eyes like your Arwen. Even though you will surely deny your feelings for her, but deep down you know she is yours. When she remembers everything, she will have immortality like an elf, and slowly the memories of her past with you will emerge. She is the daughter you lost, and I will return it to you.

Jrr. Tolkien

Elrond sat limply, tears flowing from his beautiful eyes. He quickly stood up and ran out towards the gazeboo. In the gazeboo he saw Vilya standing with hwr back to him.

"Vilya...." He called softly

Vilya turned around and looked at him with teary eyes, and he smiled "adar..." She called softly

Elrond ran to her and hugged her tightly "my daughter!" He was crying, he then cupped Vilya's face and looked at her lovingly "My Arwen! Is it really you!?" Elrond asked, his voice shaking

Vilya mengangguk " For I am the daughter of Elrond. I shall not go with him when he departs to the Havens: for mine is the choice of Luthien, and as she so have I chosen, both the sweet and the bitter. But now I'm back, and will go with him to where I should be"

Elrond hugged Vilya tightly again, because he was too happy Elrond's legs went limp, and they both fell, sitting on the floor.

They both giggled, but still hugged and cried together Elladan, and Elrohir who heard loud crying and laughter came towards them

"Adar! What's wrong with you!" Elladan said frantically

"Elladan, Elrohir. She is Arwen, she is your sister! She has returned!" Elrond said out of breath

Elladan and Elrohir looked at each other in shock, they then laughed happily and jumped into a very tight hug and laughed together. That day they all laughed heartily, cried, and hugged for hours

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