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       Imladris is really quiet today. Almost everyone else had gone hunting or other business outside of Imladris territory, including Elrond who had left since morning with Erestor and the twins, leaving Vilya alone with Glorfindel.

Vilya chatted briefly with Glorfindel, and after seeing that he was rather busy Vilya left him, went back to the library, reading, talking to the Maidens and stuff.

When Vilya was laughing with the Maidens, suddenly one of them accidentally broke a glass

"Forgive me, My lady" The maiden apologized frantically

Vilya was stunned, a flash of memory flashed back into her head "y- yes!" She answered spontaneously "it's alright" She then moved and took a robe "excuse me first, I want to breathe fresh air"

The Maidens became very confused, they wanted to ask her, but she had already run away.

Glorfindel who was reading the parchment on the balcony saw Vilya passing "Lady Vilya, where are you going?" he asked

But Vilya kept running regardless of his calls.

Glorfindel saw the Maiden who was with vilya, came out in confused "My Lady, do you know what happened to Lady Vilya"

"No, My Lord Glorfindel. She suddenly left like someone who had just seen a ghost, she reasoned that she wanted to get some fresh air" One of them replied

"But she doesn't know the forest of Imladris, she could get lost!" Glorfindel then took a deep breath "alright, maybe she wants to be alone. If she doesn't return by noon, I'll look for her"

  The day was getting cloudy, Glorfindel finally took Asfaloth out and planned to find Vilya. But suddenly Elrond's horns sounded, and of course. Elrond, the twins, Erestor, and several guards have reached Imladris.

Elrond dismounted from his horse and approached Glorfindel "where are you going, Mellon?" he asked

"I want to find Vilya, this morning she ran into the forest with a shocked face. The Maidens said dhe wanted to get some fresh air. I'm afraid she's lost."

Elrond's face turned panicked "but it's getting cloudy, she could get caught in the rain!" He says

"That's why I want to pick her up"

"Glorfindel, the forest of Imladris is vast! She could be anywhere!" Elrond then got on his horse "I will look for her"

"But My Lord, you just arrived!" Erestor said worriedly

But Elrond paid him no heed and galloped on his horse. Elladan and Elrohir looked at each other and they followed behind their father. Glorfindel also climbed onto Asfaloth and spurred his horse.

     They rode for two hours, it was getting dark and it started to drizzle. Elrond started to panic, until he saw a girl sitting alone near a small river. Elrond dismounted slowly, he motioned for the followers behind him to stop.

He took off his cloak and slowly approached Vilya. The closer he got to Vilya, the more he could feel the little girl's sadness. He tucked his cloak over Vilya, at first the girl was startled and looked up to see him.

As their faces met Elrond saw tears welling up in her beautiful eyes, eyes puffy, trails of tears down her cheeks. His heart ached to see this girl sad. He sat down next to Vilya

"What's wrong, my dear?" he asked gently

"I remember something" She answered curtly, hrt voice hoarse and shaking

"And what is it, my child? Why does it make you sad?" Elrond asked

"I remember my father died in an accident when I was ten years old, since then I lived with my aunt, she never really cared about me. Growing up with her tortured my heart, asking for money, screaming, yelling, hitting, throwing things at me, even trying to sell me to a man who is in my father's age" Vilya smiled bitterly "the night before I arrived here, I just got fired from my job, and I ran away from her because I was afraid, if she finds out I can't make money, dhe will sell me"

Elrond bit his lip. He really wanted to slash the throat of the woman she called aunt "how old are you, my child?" he asked

"Now? Fifteen"

Elrond held his breath "so young!" He said surprised "but your life is really hard"

"Deep in my heart I don't want to remember this memory. When I forget, it's a relief, when I remember it feels like being pricked by a thousand needles" Vilya scratched her hand "I miss my father"

"You can think of me as your father" Elrond said quickly

Vilya widened her eyes in shock "what?!"

"Think of me as your father, I know maybe I can't replace him in your heart. But at least you have someone as a father figure and role model, and a place where you can pour out all your sorrows. I don't mind" Elrond smiled

Tears formed in her eyes "really?" She asked in disbelief

Elrond nodded "after all, I have also considered you as my own daughter" Elrond rubbed Vilya's back "you can call me ad-"

"Adar..." Vilya said

Elrond widened his eyes, because when she said that, Elrond seemed to hear Arwen herself say it "where are you-?!"

"I heard Elladan and Elrohir" She answered

Elrond smiled happily "you can call me that"

Vilya nodded "thank you, My Lord Elrond, but I'm more comfortable addressing you as usual"

Elrond also nodded "it's up to you, my child" Elrond looked up at the sky "we'd better go back now, the rain is getting heavier"

Vilya nodded

Elrond hugged Vilya tightly "you are cold"

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