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Vilya felt that she was in a familiar place, but she had the feeling that she had never been there either. It was faint, Vilya only saw a blurry image of a tree, and a light that made Vilya assume it was daytime.

"Come here my love..." A soft, faint voice called out to her

"Is that my father?" Vilya saw a tall figure in front of her, but it was all very blurry and indistinct

"Look how beautiful you are, bright as the starlight at night!" The voice praised her

"Dad, is that you?" Vilya asked But the figure in front of her only spoke something incoherent

"Dad???" Vilya tried to pull her hand away

"Remember my child!"

Vilya jerked from her sleep. She woke up and peeked out the window, it was still night. She took her robe and walked out of her room. She strolled around for a bit, Imladris was very quiet probably most of the elves were resting. But in the gazeboo he saw Erestor sitting reading a parchment

"My lord, Erestor" Vilya called

Erestor looked up "Lady Vilya. Are you awake?"

"Dreamed something strange, now I can't sleep" Vilya answered

"Sit down" Erestor offered Vilya a seat next to him

"What are you doing?" Vilya asked

"Reading the proposed trade agreement between Imladris and the kingdoms of men" he replied

"Where is Lord Elrond, he usually sits here?"

"My lord Elrond is resting, lately he's easily exhausted due to lack of rest, and food"

"My lord Erestor, may I ask a question?"

Erestor nodded

"Why does he look tired. I mean out of you he looks the most tired, I know he's a half elven, but he still has strength above the average man, why does he get tired so easily? Is it possible for an Elf lord to fall ill?" Vilya asked curiously

Erestor sighed "are you sure you want to know?" he asked

Vilya nodded "yes. I just want to help"

"My dear Vilya, in this life we ​​have lost someone, including Elrond. He lost almost everyone he loved to immortality. Don't you think that tortured him?" Erestor said

Vilya was stunned "Arwen?"

"Yes. Before her my lord lost a lot of people but things got worse after Arwen"

"How can that be? People call him as kind as summer. How can that with everything he's been through, death, war, destruction, everything. He can still be as kind as summer..... What is his heart made of?!" Vilya said amazed

Erestor chuckled "that's what makes him special" Erestor looked at Vilya "I'm glad you're here, Vilya. It's hard to believe but yes. Since you were here, the color in him started to come back. Thank you" Erestor smiled

Vilya smiled and touched Erestor's hand "I will take care of him"

FIND MY WAY (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now