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    Elrond was startled when he saw a frightened strange girl screaming at him. And she is a human girl. Before Elrond could ask her anything, she had fainted. Elrond approached her to check her pulse and breath, and she was alive, but in very bad condition. Her face was bruised, hair messy, clothes dirty, and torn where it shouldn't be seen. Elrond opened his cloak and gently covered the girl's body then slowly picked her up.

   Elrond ran with a panicked face into imladris

"Erestor, Lindir!" he called frantically

Erestor and Lindir ran up to him "my lord Elrond, what's wrong?" Erestor asked, he saw the girl in Elrond's arms "who is she?"

"I don't know either, all I know is that a misfortune befell her, and we have to help her"

The three of them ran into the healing room, Elrond put Vilya's body down slowly

"Call the maids, tell them to change her clothes. When finished I'll take care of her myself" Elrond ordered

Erestor and Lindir nodded, they left and not long after three maidens entered the room. They saluted Elrond

"Change her clothes, once done, I'll take a look myself"

They nod

Elrond left the room, but he glanced briefly at the girl, something inside him asking what terrible thing had happened to the poor girl
After a while, Elrond entered the room with a tray of medicine, he approached the strange girl, he saw that the girl was covered in cold sweat, but she was shivering and her body was hot, she was trembling and crying in her sleep

Elrond took a handkerchief and dripped aromatherapy then let the girl breathe it, not long after she calmed down and fell asleep. Elrond pulled the blanket over her body, and he examined the bruised finger print on her left cheek, and the bruised grip on both wrists.
Elrond sighed "what kind of bad luck befell you, little one"

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