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    Elladan dismounted from his horse in a hurry and immediately ran towards the gazeboo where Elrond was chatting with Vilya and Elrohir

"Slow down, my son!" Elrond rebuked softly

"Adar! Guess who I just saw!" Elladan said enthusiastically

"Is it Thranduil or Legolas?"

Elladan shook his head

"And then, who?" Elrond asked confused

"Grandma and Grandpa!" Elladan answered excitedly

Elrohir stood up from his seat "really!" he asked in disbelief

Elladan nodded "Yes!" They both high-five

"Boys, act up," Elrond warned

"They should be arriving in about two hours" Elladan said

"Erestor!" Elrond summoned Erestor

Lindir came up to him "what is it, my lord?" he asked

"Lindir, where is Erestor?"

" Erestor is going to the men's village to check on something. What's wrong, my lord?"

"Prepare the banquet, the Lord and Lady of lothlorien will be arriving soon" Elrond ordered, he then looked at the twins "both of you dress properly and cleanly"

Elladan and Elrohir nodded and quickly left together

"You too, my son" Elrond said to Vilya

"What?" Vilya was confused "ah- yes!" She then gave a  curtsy and left

    After a while, Lothlorien's party arrived in Imladris, Haldir was the first to greet Elrond

"Mellon" He greeted with a smile on his face

They greet the typical elves

"Long time no see. How are you?" Elrond asked

"As usual, guarding Lothlorien, nothing has changed. Only feels safer now"

    From inside the carriage, Lord Celeborn got off first, he helped lady Galadriel down and they walked towards Elrond

"Elrond" Galadriel called softly "I hear you are sick, how are you?" Galadriel asked, stroking Elrond's cheek

Elrond smiled "just tired, no big deal, my lady" He replied "you'd better rest a bit, and have a banquet after this"

Galadriel and Lothlorien's party enter Imladris to rest.
    At the banquet all had gathered and talked to each other. Galadriel chatted with Elrond, while Celeborn with Lindir.

"Where's Glorfindel, I didn't see him?" Galadriel asked

"He's probably taking care of something, he'll be joining us in a moment"

Glorfindel entered the banquet hall laughing while holding Vilya in his arms, the beautiful Vilya was wearing a purple dress, and her hair was loose making Galadriel, Celeborn and Haldir speechless in shock

Glorfindel entered the banquet hall laughing while holding Vilya in his arms, the beautiful Vilya was wearing a purple dress, and her hair was loose making Galadriel, Celeborn and Haldir speechless in shock

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"Lindir, who is she?" Celeborn asked, his eyes still on Vilya

"Her name is Vilya"

"Vilya? Vilya like Elrond's ring?" Celeborn asked confused

"Yeah sort of, it's kind of confusing. I'll explain it to you".

"How can a human girl have the same name as my son-in-law's ring, and look like my granddaughter?" Celebborn was confused

Vilya sat beside Glorfindel, she smiled at Elrond, but she realized that Lady Galadriel who was sitting beside Elrond was looking at her sharply. A look that Vilya tried to avoid but found it very difficult

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