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    Vilya saw a faint figure backing her, she was a woman with long raven hair, at a glance the woman's figure was somewhat similar to her

"Hey..." Vilya called

The woman turned her head slightly, her face was hazy, everything was blurry but Vilya could still see

"Who are you?" She asked

"I am....." The woman said but the words were not clear. As resounding and far from Vilya "

Who?" Vilya asked again

Suddenly the woman disappeared, and Vilya woke up from sleep.

Turns out it was all just a dream. Vilya sat down with sweat dripping down her forehead. She took a deep breath and got off the bed. She leaves the room.

   Vilya walked around Imladris, at night Imladris looked more beautiful when night fell, the ceiling was filled with sparkling stars, the sound of the waterfall was soothing, and the serene silence made Vilya stare.

   Vilya walked towards the Gazeboo and she saw Elrond still sitting at his desk reading a parchment. His face showed exhaustion, but he still read the pile of papers carefully

Vilya had intended to leave quietly for she was afraid that her presence would disturb Elrond

"Not asleep yet?" Elrond asked

Vilya was shocked and immediately turned around "sorry I disturbed you. I'm leaving"

"Why the rush. You can stay, you're not disturbing at all anyway" Elrond smiled

Vilya walked up to Elrond, she saw shelves full of books behind Elrond "so many books" She said amazed

Elrond looked back "if you want you can read whatever you want"

Vilya widened her eyes "really?" She said in disbelief

Elrond nodded and smiled

Vilya jogged towards the bookshelf, and took a book with a navy blue cover and started reading it.

Vilya walked over to the soft lounge chair that was across the room. She read so intently that he did not notice Elrond approaching her with a glass in his hand

"I made hot tea" Elrond gave it to Vilya

Vilya was shocked, she immediately took the tea from Elrond's hand "thank you" She drank the tea slowly

Vilya read the book seriously, Elrond kept watching her from across the room. He smiled just by seeing the enthusiasm on Vilya's face while reading his ancient books.

  I know idea how long Elrond worked on his papers, but when he finished Vilya was asleep hugging a book. Elrond sighed, he approached Vilya, put the book in her arms on the small table, and slowly and gently he lifted Vilya into his arms.

He entered Vilya's room, gently placed Vilya on the bed and covered her whole body then he left. Before closing the door, Elrond looked at Vilya one more time, his face a hint of sadness and confusion. But he quickly changed it and closed the door.

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