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      Vilya was writing randomly in the gazebo, when Galadriel came up to her

"Write something interesting, my child?" Galadriel's deep, immersive voice called out to Vilya

When Vilya heard Galadriel's voice right behind her, she immediately stood up in shock and turned "My Lady!" Vilya immedietly do a quick curtsy

"No need to be shy" Galadriel took Vilya's hand and asked her to sit back down. She saw the paper Vilya was holding full of random scrawled "wrote something?" She asked

"Ah this. Lord Elrond told me I would easily recall all of my memories if I tried to write down some of the memories that had returned, even if they were still vague at times. And it worked somewhat" Vilya explained

Galadriel looked at her "sometimes a lost memory is like a locked box, it's there, stored, because you lost the key, or..." Galadriel paused and smiled "you have the key, but you don't know how to turn it" Galadriel holding Vilya's hand gently "slowly imagine what you were like before, imagine the sounds you have heard, and put the pieces together slowly. Then the pieces will form a complete picture, even if they sometimes overlap"

"I try, but sometimes there are some shadows that even I'm not sure if they're real"

"Sometimes when we want to remember certain memories, we accidentally open old memories that we have forgotten, but in time all the memories that you have just forgotten, or those that you have forgotten for a very long time, you will remember everything"

Vilya smiled and nodded

     Today Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn will return to Lothlorien, all member of Imladris gather at the gate to see them off

After saying goodbye to Elrond, and the twins, Galadriel approached Vilya. She smiled and held Vilya's cheek

"My Lady, it is an honor to meet you" Vilya said

Galadriel smiled "remember, imagine something wonderful that might have happened to you, and some forgotten memory will surely come back"

Vilya nodded "I will never forget this day"

"If this was our last meeting, I would usually say NAMARIE. But because I have a feeling we will meet again" Galadriel kissed Vilya's forehead "I know Arwen came to you in a dream and left his father" Galadriel's voice sounded in Vilya's head.

Vilya was taken aback but Galadriel smiled at her "Yes, and what should I do?" Vilya spoke silently

"Do what you think is right" With that Galadriel went into the carriage

Vilya stared blankly as Galadriel's carriage began to pull away.

The twins approached Vilya from both sides "Did my grandmother give you any wise advice?" Elladan asked

"Yes" Vilya answered

"Did You understand?" Elladan asked again

"No. I'm even confused" Vilya answered briefly

"It's alright. We are her grandchildren, she knows us from the day we were conceived, to elfings who love to run naked, till we become an adult elves. And yes, sometimes we also don't know what her wants to say" Elrohir said

Vilya looked at the twins, and she laughed, the twins also giggled with her.

Elrond looked at the three of them from the side, and he smiled happily

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