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    Lindir, Erestor and Glorfindel were still gaping at Vilya's explanation. Meanwhile Elrond looked like he was in deep thought. And Vilya sat surrounded by them all, with a confused and scared face.

"I beg your pardom, but what?!" Glorfindel said

"So you are from another world, and in your world we are the characters of the book your father always reads to you?" Erestor asked, his tone serious

Vilya nodded "sounds unbelievable doesn't it?"

"Then what is your father's name?" Lindir asked

"I can't remember, not yet" Vilya scratched her head

"Your mother?" Glorfindel asked

Vilya shook her head

"What about your last name?" Glorfindel asked again

"To.... Arrgh it's blurry!" Vilya said annoyed

"Did some kind of magical stone from your magical portal hit your head, young girl?" Glorfindel said

"When I found her, she was badly injured, and had a bruised head" Elrond said

Erestor looked at him suspiciously

Vilya became awkward, her hands were shaking "I... I'm really sorry for the mess I caused, I will leave this place if you want"

"And go where!?" Instantly Elrond raised his tone "young girl alone, middle earth is not a safe place for you alone. Stay here until we find a way out"

Vilya widened her eyes "is that okay?" Vilya asked in surprise

Elrond nodded "everyone is welcome here" Elrond smiled a little

"Not everyone. We never accept orcs" Glorfindel said

"If we accept the orcs, you will be the main menu!" Lindir said irritatedly

"Come on I'll show you around" Elrond held out his hand

Vilya hesitated, but she took Elrond's outstretched hand. She rose and walked with Elrond

"Wait" Erestor held back

Vilya turned around and looked at him "huh?"

"Do you remember what happened to you?" He asked

Vilya nodded slowly

"What happened?" Erestor asked firmly

Vilya scratched her fingers "I remember I was lost in the forest, and there were three men. They.... They tried to force themselves on me, they hit me but I fought back and..." Vilya's hands were shaking, tears came out of her beautiful eyes

"That's enough, my child" Elrond stopped "it's all right" He soothed in a very gentle voice "come with me"

He took Vilya away

"Erestor! Where is your conscience!" Glorfindel protested

"Just in case" Erestor said in a calm tone

"That poor girl seems to have had a very hard life. And what you asked just now was so inappropriate!" Glorfindel protested

"Your golden brain won't understand!" Erestor said annoyed

They looked at the silent Lindir

"I'm speechless" He said with a straight face

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