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Vilya was sitting in the gazebo writing, while Elrond was sitting at the desk at the far end of the room reading parchments. Vilya closed her eyes, she took a deep breath and she imagined something beautiful. Sea, beautiful forest, beautiful moon and stars. It was then that Vilya had a vision "Vilya! Come my dear, daddy wants to give you a present." A faint face smiled at her, and gave her something. Vilya opened a small box in front of her, and saw a ring with sapphires "stones the exact color of your eyes, beautiful eyes as blue as the ocean, and shining like the light in the evening"

In a split second Vilya seemed to be pulled from the scene, another scene. There Vilya saw herself being doused with a pitcher of water and being pushed to the floor by an old woman. Vilya remembered that the woman was her abusive aunt.

"Can't give me money, don't want to sell yourself to a rich man! Now I will take this and sell it!" The woman forcibly removed the ring on Vilya's finger

"No! That's all that's left!" Vilya begged crying sobbing

Her aunt slapped her "your father died leaving nothing but you! You foolish, self-righteous girl!" The woman grabbed Vilya by the jaw "you will spread your legs wide as soon as possible so that you can earn a lot of money. Because that's who you are! Little whore!"

Vilya took a very deep breath, she gasped, tears fell from her beautiful eyes. When Vilya came to her senses she saw Elrond beside her with a worried face holding her hand

"Penneth, what happened?" Elrond asked worriedly

"Oh I" Vilya wiped away her tears "I remember something. Sweet and bitter memories" Vilya answered, smiling

"What do you remember? The sweet one, you don't need to remember the bitter one" Elrond asked softly

"My father gave me a present, a blue ring for my birthday, everything felt so beautiful, so precise, so serene. Grief seemed so far away."

"I'm glad your memory is coming back bit by bit" Elrond said, but his face showed sadness.

Vilya approached him "what's wrong?" She asked

"I'm glad you finally know who you are, but that means you will also have to go back to your world" Elrond replied

Vilya smiled "I have no desire to leave Imladris"

Elrond looked at Vilya "if your business here is done, you can't linger where you shouldn't"

"But I'm not interested, and beside... Arwen left me a message."

Elrond glared "Arwen! My Arwen!" he asked in shock

Vilya nodded "I wanted to keep it a secret at first, but it looks like Lady Galadriel already knows about it. And I have no intention of keeping it a secret"

"What did my daughter say?" Elrond asked enthusiastically

"She asked me to look after you" Vilya held Elrond's hand "and I intend to do so"

"You are willing to look after this boring old elf? It will kill you, my child" Elrond chuckled

"Yes, I'm willing" Vilya gently caressed Elrond's face "I will stay here, take care of you like a good daughter. Of course I can't replace Arwen in your heart, but still. I will take care of you until my age is up. Here, in Imladris" Vilya held back Elrond's hand "and that if you will." she joked

Elrond laughed "you are so allowed to stay here!" His eyes burst into tears Elrond brought his forehead close to Vilya's "HANNON LE IELLIG"

"ILLUMÉ" Vilya answered in elvish

Elrond stared

Vilya laughed "Glorfindel taught me, I'm a fast learner"

Elrond laughed

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