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"What do you remember?!" Elrond asked worriedly

"Everything" Vilya replied "my name is Vilya Raven Tolkien. Daughter of Andrew Tolkien. I assume you are familiar with that name?"

Elrond glared "are you still related to John Ronald Tolkien?" He asks "he visited Imladris a few years ago, and stayed for three years then disappeared"

"He is my great grandfather. I believe he left something for you"

"A box, and it was locked. He said the key would come when the time came. But how did you know?" Elrond asked confused

Vilya pulled the pendant around her neck "because this is the key. The key is with me" Vilya gave it to Elrond "there is something for you"

Elrond was confused "Vilya,  what happened, exactly? Who are you?" Elrond asked

Vilya smiled "you have to open the box first"

   Vilya and Elrond ran to Imladris, Elrond entered the library alone, because Vilya was waiting in the gazeboo. Elrond tried to open a small cupboard, and there lay a small chest made of dusty wood, a beautiful casket that was neatly locked by a beautiful little gold padlock. Elrond took the chest and placed it on the table, he took Vilya's locket and slowly slipped it into the lock. And not long after the lock opened. And Elrond opened the chest impatiently, inside was an envelope that was worn and sealed neatly. Elrond took the envelope and slowly opened it trying not to tear it

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