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Elladan and Elrohir gaped

"You are from another world?" Elladan asked

Vilya nodded "sort of"

"AWESOME....." The twins said together

"Am I handsome?" Elrohir asked

"I must be more handsome than him!" Elladan said

"Who is my father's favorite between the two of us!" Elrohir said

"Who killed the most orcs??"

The two of them bombarded Vilya with endless questions until Vilya couldn't say anything else

"Boys, you are torturing this poor girl! Look at her head, it's going to smoke soon!" Glorfindel joked

The twins smirked

"Sorry" Elladan said "

We didn't mean it" Elrohir said

"It's just that you look like our little sister" Elladan said

"Really? Isn't her name Arwen?" Vilya asked

"You know the name!" Elrohir said in shock

Vilya nodded "I still remember a bit, but it's a bit vague. What I remember is her name is Arwen Undomiel"

"You are so adorable! Having a name like our father's ring, looking like our little sister, and quiet and clumsy like our mother!" Elladan said

"Will you be our sister!" The twins asked, looking pitifully at Vilya

"Huh?" Vilya was silent, bewildered

"Come  be our little sister, it will be fun!" Elrohir begged

"Boys she won't be here forever, when she remembers everything she will be back to where she belong" Glorfindel said

"That's fine. But as long as she's here, we'll spend some time with her!" Elladan said

The twins looked back at Vilya with expectant eyes

"So, how?" Elrohir asked

vilya smiled and nodded

"Yeah!" The twins cheered happily

"Come on we will show you a beautiful place" Elladan pulled Vilya

"How about archery? Do you want me to teach you?" This time Elrohir said

    Elrond smiled happily watching their interaction from the top of the balcony.

Erestor realized that, and his expression showed concern

"I haven't seen that smile in a long time, my Lord" Erestor said

Elrond looked at Erestor "sometimes watching the behavior of the twins reminds me of myself and Elros. We used to annoy Maglor and Maedhros" Elrond then walked over to the table at the end of the room

"That girl called Vilya, isn't she a little suspicious?" He asked

"What do you mean?"

"Suddenly stranded in middle earth, has the same name as your ring, partially lost memory. Isn't that strange?"

"Huh" Elrond chuckled "Erestor you think too much, spend some time with that girl once in a while. Trust me, she's just a clumsy innocent little girl"

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