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    Glorfindel who rode Asfolath entered Imladris followed by Elladan, Elrohir and Vilya.

Lindir waited in front with a calm face and arms folded behind his back

Glorfindel dismounted from his horse and approached Lindir "luckily they weren't far. I can still catch up to them"

The twins came to Lindir with worried faces "How is our father?" Elladan asked

"Still not awake" Lindir replied, his voice calm and patient

They ran inside.

Arriving at Elrond's room, Elrond was seen lying down, calm and peaceful. Erestor stood beside him, while a she-elf examined his hands.

"Siena, how is our father?" Elrohir asked worriedly

The she-elf stood up "he's just tired. Looks like he's reached his limit, but don't worry, he'll wake up tomorrow. I gave him a sleeping pill so he'll have a good rest" She replied

"How did he faint, aren't you elves more immune than men?" Vilya asked confused

"Vilya, maybe you don't understand. Lord Elrond is a peredhel, meaning he is half-elven. He has men's blood inside him, and he is also the first in his kind. Because of that men's blood it is possible that he is somewhat weaker than full-blooded elves ' Erestor explained

Vilya nodded

"Alright, we should all leave the room, so he can rest better."

They all walked slowly towards the door, except for Vilya.

"I'll stay here for a while, just to look after him. After that I'll go to my room" Vilya said

Siena and Erestor nodded.

By now the room had grown a little dark, and only her and Elrond were left unconscious. Vilya sat on the bench next to Elrond's bed and held Elrond's hand gently

    Elrond opened his eyes, he didn't know where he was, but everything was hazy and white. And what he realized he was sleeping in a foreign bed.

"Adar...." The voice was calling him, the voice he had longed for and longed for, his daughter's voice, Arwen's voice.

Elrond turned and saw Arwen sitting beside him, smiling at him "Adar...." Arwen said in a soft voice

"Muir Yen (my daughter) Nin Meleth (my Love) I miss you so much" Tears formed in Elrond's beautiful eyes

Arwen smiled "adar, you look tired" Arwen caressed her father's face "don't push yourself too hard"

"How about you? Are you all right?" Elrond asked

Arwen smiled "I'm very good, Adar. They look after me here"

"Who are they, Meleth?" Elrond asked "Uncle Elros and grandmother Luthien" Arwen answered

Elrond smiled "really? How is Elros?" Elrond asked

"He's a funnier version of you. He reminds me of Elladan and Elrohir" Arwen chuckled. Then the expression on her face changed "I have to go Adar" Arwen said

The smile on Elrond's face immediately disappeared "I still miss you, Meleth. My days have been hard without your mother.... Losing you is my lowest point, Arwen" Tears fell from his beautiful eyes

Arwen wiped the tears from Elrond's face "adar, I didn't really go away, I always watch over you, I will always be near you, sometimes you won't realize it, but I will always be by your side" Arwen kissed Elrond's forehead "and now it's time for you to wake up Arwen whispered softly

   When Elrond opened his eyes, he realized that the sun had already risen because of the sunlight that made it through his window. He looked to his right, and saw Vilya sleeping beside him holding his hand. Elrond smiled and stroked that girl's hair

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