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   Elrond was writing something on parchment, suddenly a book fell and Elrond was about to pick it up, his hands trembled as he bent down, and suddenly a hand took the book. It is Vilya. Elrond smiled at her, but Vilya's gaze fell on Elrond's hand.

Vilya squatted down and took Elrond's hand "adar, your hands are shaking, and a bit cold" Vilya said worriedly

Elrond laughed "this is normal my child,  I'm old after all, how old do you think I am?" Elrond joked

"You should rest" Vilya said annoyed

"I have some things to do" Elrond said

"No! No there's no excuse!" Vilya grabbed Elrond and pushed him away

Elrond only chuckled as Vilya dragged him along

   Vilya pushed Elrond into his room

"Adar, you rest, I'll have the maids bring you something to eat. Me and Glorfindel will take care of everything"

"But Vilya, I'm fine" Elrond tried to reassure "Not for me" Vilya then ran out "fine then I'll go"

Elrond laughed heartily "that little girl!" he said amused

    That night Elrond saw Vilya staring at the night sky dreamily

"Not asleep yet?" he asked

Vilya shook her head "Elladan told me grandma Galadriel and grandpa Celeborn had gone sailing"

"Yeah I heard that too" Elrond said

"Would you like to sail, Adar?" Vilya said

Elrond glared in surprise "you want to sail?!"

"I don't mean right now, I'm still enjoying Imladris, but how about we set sail in a few years?"

Elrond nodded happily "if that's your wish. I'll take care of some business here and we can set sail. All of us, you, me, Elladan, Elrohir, Erestor, and Glorfindel. All of us"

Vilya took Elrond's hand and leaned on his shoulder

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