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  Elrond took Vilya to a room that was tightly locked, Elrond pulled a necklace that closed his tunic, it turned out that the necklace was the key to this room. Elrond opened the door slowly and saw a beautiful room, and neat, with a very soothing fragrance. But no matter how beautiful the room was, it felt cold and empty and sad. Like a room that has long been abandoned and only leaves memories

Vilya entered the room slowly, following Elrond 

"Well... As long as you are in Rivendell, you will stay in this room" Elrond said with a smile

Vilya looked around "what a beautiful room" Vilya said in amazement

Elrond smiled "and in that cupboard there are lots of dresses and jewelry if you want you can wear them. And at the end there is a wash room, if you want to clean up"

Vilya nodded "thank you, Lord Elrond"

Elrond smiled and nodded "we will have lunch, if you want you can come to the downstairs" Elrond then went towards the door

Vilya sat on the bed and took out a dark red book and opened it

Before closing the door, Elrond glanced back at Vilya, he smiled warmly but his eyes were sad

   Elrond, along with the Imladris residents were at the dining table, it was seen that Elrond was talking to Lindir while Glorfindel was teasing Erestor and laughing in amusement.

Vilya entered the dining room wearing a white dress and a simple headpiece on her head. She walked awkwardly, and the eyes of the entire imladris fell on her

 She walked awkwardly, and the eyes of the entire imladris fell on her

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"Hey Erestor, is she a ghost?" Glorfindel asked

"Shut up Glorfi!" Erestor said angrily, but his face showed amazement

Lindir glanced at Elrond who was looking at Vilya with a smile on his face

"Welcome, Lady Vilya" Elrond greeted happily "please, take a sit"

Vilya looked around and was confused about where to sit

"Lady Vilya, you can sit next to me" Glorfindel offered kindly

Vilya smiled and walked towards Glorfindel. Vilya sat down next to Glorfindel, Glorfindel gave her a friendly smile and offered her some bread

   They started eating, Vilya ate slowly and shyly, while Glorfindel kept offering her food and telling jokes to her and there was a moment where Vilya couldn't help but burst out laughing. Meanwhile, Erestor offers Vilya to teach her some things and Vilya looks very interested

    Without they know, Elrond was looking at Vilya with happy eyes, he didn't even touch his food too much. He just kept looking at Vilya and smiling.

Only Lindir noticed that, and he let out a heavy sigh

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