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~Alexis's POV~

"So Marcus?" I ask as we are in the garden "what are you?"

"I'm a vampire" he says as we sit under the gazebo.

"So" I ask "what my niece thinks is true?" I ask, before realizing. Pulling out my phone I call Charlie, when he answers I say "Charles, there's a chance Isabella is dead" I hang up the phone then.

"You" Marcus smiles "have an odd way of delivering news"

"I do" nodding my head "ooh, my daughter is getting married" I remember my daughter Evelyn telling me how she's getting married soon and I need a date "will you be my date?"

"We haven't even had a conversation for two hours and your asking me out?" He chuckles "to a wedding?"

"Yes" nodding my head "it'll give you a chance at meeting my children and granddaughter"

He stares at me before nodding his head smiling "excellent" clapping my hands "ooh, let's bring those twins and see if we can find them any dates"

He laughs "you are one interesting human"

~Time Skip~

It's my daughters rehearsal dinner, I'm here with Marcus, Felix and Helen. The twins couldn't come since they were needed for something else. Helen was invited since my children love her but hate Bella. "Mother" Evelyn comes over "who's this?"

"Evelyn meet my new boyfriend Marcus and his son Felix" I tell her "Marcus, Felix meet one of my daughters Evelyn"

"Boyfriend?" Evelyn asks "since when?"

"A few days ago" I smile "Felix is Helen's date"

"Ah" Evelyn smiles "good to see that you still have it in your mom, great seeing you Helen. Out of all my cousins I like you the most"

"You only have two cousins" Helen points out

"And I love you" bopping her nose "the most" looking over "speech time" she leaves us then.

"Your daughter" Marcus comments "you do know that I care for you a lot right?"

"I know" saying just as Evelyn's best friend Dina says "I think that's the priest Cordelia has been sleeping with" we look over to see the priest Evelyn got for today.

"Is that true?" Maxwell asked as Cordelia asks "what are you doing here?"

"Your here" the priest waves "I thought this was the Ashryver wedding?"

"It is" I confirm smiling, looking to Marcus, Felix and Helen "this will be fun"

"So it's true?" Maxwell demands

"Can we not talk about this here?" Cordelia asks

"Oh? In private you want to apologize but"

"I'm not apologizing for anything" Cordelia speaks "I just wanted to say that I'm leaving you" Maxwell looks extra pissed "you have spent too much time focusing on your company and any other woman in the fucking world instead of your wife"

"You know my company is important" he stated

"I can see now why Alexis left you" Cordelia throws a drink in his face before slapping him "you don't care about anyone but that damn fucking company!" She storms away but not before grabbing the priest and kisses him. Hmm, it feels so good to see Maxwell fall and crumble.

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