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"So" I ask Marcus as we lay naked under sheets in our room—I refuse to be like Athenadora and Sulpacia where I am confined to a tier with my own room. I want to share a room with my mate "when would be the right time to fake my death? I was thinking after Bella's wedding, you know?" We got an invitation to the wedding and we are going, along with the twins since my human kids will be there and I wish for the twins to at least meet their siblings before fake dying.

"Soon my love" stroking my back "soon" I smile closing my eyes thinking about how this is the first time I've ever felt this way. Safe, happy, wanted. With Maxwell I've never felt happy or wanted, I felt safe yes but not the last two. Maxwell normally cheated on me, if it weren't for our children I never would have stayed with him.

I then realize something "When we introduce the twins" sitting up "how will we introduce them?"

He tilts his head "I'm not sure, they are growing at a fast rate so we can't really say they are my grandchildren since we don't know what they'll look like" he's right, after a few months the girls look like their seven years old.

I tap my chin "we can say their your daughters from a one night stand" I then realize "the girls need dresses" getting up "Oh!" Kissing my mates cheek "I'll be back" keeping the sheet wrapped around me I run out to find Sulpacia and Athenadora. When I find them I see the twins are with them and the kings in the library "we need to go shopping"

They look my way "What?" Sol asks

"The twins are coming with—is that a cat on Caius's head?" I notice a cat on Caius's head, the cats tail wags in front of his face.

"Yes" he grumbles, I then notice all the animals are around them and mostly on Caius. Does he have a gift for animals?

"You were saying something about shopping" Dora asks

"Yes" clapping my hands "Bella is about to get married and we need clothing for the girls, I mean look at them. We don't have anything"

Sol gasps "She's right" standing up handing the twins to Aro since the puppies are licking Caius's face "we need to go shopping!"

"Chelsea! Renata!" Athenadora calls out as we leave passing by Marcus who comes into the room.

~Marcus's POV~

I watch my mate run out of the library with Athenadora and Sulpacia. Shaking my head I go in and I see my daughters on Aro's lap while Caius has a bunch of animals on his lap. "Not" Caius warns when he sees me staring "one...word"

"The girls are going shopping" Aro leans back, the girls run to me and I pick them up.

"Why was mommy in a sheet?" Juliet asks

"She couldn't decide on an outfit when she realized you girls needed dresses for a wedding" I say, they gasp. Much like their mother they love fashion but also they love to garden. We have a new garden set up for the girls and the existing one Dydime made, Alexis tends to both regularly with me and the girls.

"We need to help mommy!" Elizabeth exclaims, I set them down and watch them run out of the room.

I look to Caius and Aro who stare at me "what?"

"Your speaking more" Aro points out, I simply stare at him "Alexis and the two kids have brought back a life to you"

"That Aro isn't ruining" Caius growls making it clear, but when he growled the cats and dogs started to bark and meow. Caius leans back and mutters curses in Italian at the animals when they start to lick him "not one word" he points to the both of us.

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