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"This is a very beautiful wedding" Alexis smiles looking around the place "too bad my children couldn't make it"

"We're here mom" Juliet says, both of the twins are here and they look like ten year old girls. So fast how they are growing up, can't they just age like normal human babies? Maybe we can adopt a baby in the future.

"That" Alexis agrees "you are" but I know the truth, she is wishing to see her human children in person one last time before she fakes her death. To hold them in her arms and say goodbye to them, tell them that she loves them. Alexis often wonders if her children will miss her once we fake her death, but I'm not sure since from what I can tell her kids don't really make any efforts to want to be there in Alexis's life. Not like Helen where she would always talk with Alexis at least once a month.

We take our seats, the girls on either side of us. Juliet with Alexis and Elizabeth on my side, we made sure the girls knew not to expose themselves as we are amongst humans, they seem to understand that. So we can assure Caius that they won't cause any harm in the future.

When the wedding is over, we mingle around with guests and listen to speeches "We" I tell the Cullens "shall remain here until Isabella is a newborn, then we shall leave"

"But" Alexis warns "if the two do not come back as both immortals, you shall all die"

~Alexis's POV~

"Maxwell" I try very hard not to kill him even though that is all I want to do. It's been a week since the wedding and I'm here in Atlanta wanting to say goodbye to my family "I need you to get the kids down here" I'm before Cordelia and Maxwell as their my last way to see my kids since they keep saying their busy for me. Only Maxwell can get them down here.

"Why?" He laughs "are you dying?" I'm silent and he stops laughing "Alexis, if this is some sick joke to try to take my family manor"

"It's not" snapping, trying to get my anger under control. Marcus gave me his ring that helps me act human, we even got some fake MRI's that will help sell this "I'm's just—get the kids down here" unfortunately I have to move my shoulders to look like I'm breathing.

Cordelia stares at me "Alexis? Are you really dying?"

"Stage four terminal brain cancer" I lie, tears brim my eyes "I have a few days, maybe a week at best—the kids keep dodging me and"

He nods his head "I'll get them down here" grabbing his phone, he makes a few calls. I know Marcus is with Juliet and Elizabeth back in Forks, waiting for that Edward to come back with either a human Isabella or newborn vampire Isabella.

We are in the living room as Steven, Evelyn and Amanda come in "What?" Evelyn demands "this better be important"

"Evelyn!" Maxwell snaps "sit down right now!"

"Geez" she sits down

"What's going on?" Amanda asks

"Alexis" Cordelia tells them "has something she wants to tell you all"

"Ugh" Evelyn stands "I'm sure it can wait"

"I'm dying!" I say, she stops and they look at me. I pull out my MRI to show them.

"This" Evelyn waves "this is a joke, there isn't any way your really dying"

"Evelyn" Maxwell says "she's not lying...I know Alexis and—she's really dying"

"What?" Amanda cries "your...dying?"

Tears run down my face cause I know this will be the last time I see them alive "I am—I have a few days, maybe a week at best"

"Mom" Steven hugs me, I hug him back.

"This" Evelyn waves to me "is just some ploy"

"Evelyn" Cordelia snaps "this"

Knowing the truth, I can't put it off so I just gasp coughing. "Mom?" Steven asks and I pretend to cough, tripping I land on my back grabbing my chest.

"Call 9-1-1!" Maxwell orders

"This is just some prank" Evelyn" tears fall down my face as I look at my family.

"I" coughing as Amanda and Steven are by me "" my hand drops and I stop pretending. I stop moving my shoulders, I stop moving my body.

"Mom" Steven shakes me as he does compressions but it's not use, I see him crying.

"She's faking" Evelyn goes and slaps my face, it goes to the side "she...she's not—oh god" Evelyn starts to cry "mom?"

"Nana!" I watch my granddaughter run this way "Nana!"

"Don't look" Evelyn grabs her daughter pulling her away, when the paramedics get here they zip me into those black bags. I hear my family crying as I'm taken away.

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