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Placing flowers upon my children's graves, changing the dead flowers "I have always loved you three, it might not seem like I did" I say "but I did, I have watched over you for centuries" about three centuries ago I 'died' before my family. They had a funeral for me and it was beautiful. I watched and the only people who came to my funeral was Steven, his husband, and Evelyn's daughter Amanda. Eventually Jade and Evelyn came to me but it was in their old age a few times before they died. A decade after I 'died' Maxwell he died with his wife and their three year old in a car crash.

I come back to the graves every few years seeing my children until they all died and I visited them yearly. I bring flowers for them each year, their favorite kinds that I grow in the Volterra garden. The one I built and tend to and also the one Marcus's former mate Dydime left. My daughters Elizabeth and Juliet, they grew up after a few years and traveled the world for a few years before coming home. Elizabeth and Juliet are the only ones who are like their brother Steven where they care a lot for me while Jade and Evelyn didn't.

Bella, she was turned into a vampire and there was a funeral for her. Charles was devastated since he lost me, Helen who found her mate in one of the lower guard members and Bella who they told him died of a mysterious illness that took her life and Edward's. Renee, she descended into madness while Helen's mother killed herself. Charles soon found love again with Sue Clearwater and the two had a daughter.

From what I know now regarding the Cullens, they have to deal with the loveless marriage that is between Edward and Bella. Turns out he only wanted her blood.

Yeah, the La Push shifters all died due to mysterious circumstances. Apparently there was a terrible wild fire that just killed them. Very curious, especially given how Caius was visiting Seattle with his mate and the elite guard then.

"I wish I knew Steven" Juliet says, she and Elizabeth are both here with me and Marcus. Marcus he comes with for support since it's hard, a mother never imagined herself living while her child is dead. Just morbid to even think about it.

"You two and he" I tell the girls "would have loved each other"

"I know this isn't the best time" Elizabeth says and we look at her "but you all should know this...I'm pregnant"

"What?!" We all exclaim, Juliet and I in shock and happiness while Marcus he is both but also anger. Of course, this is his little girl who is having a baby.

"Congratulations baby" hugging my daughter "did you hear baby? We're going to be grandparents"

"Uh huh" Marcus crossed his arms "who's the father? Is he going to take responsibility?"

"Now papa" Elizabeth says as Juliet and I watch "don't get upset but"

"Wait!" Juliet exclaims "is it him?"

"Him who?" Marcus and I ask

"Him" Juliet tells me and my eyes widen

"Him?" I ask, Elizabeth about a few months ago started to sleep with this human covered in tattoos. I mean head to toe in them and he smokes constantly.

"Who?" Marcus demands "one of you better tell me this instant"

"Now papa" Elizabeth holds her hands up "don't get upset but...the father...oh wow" she muttered something "he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby—he told me we both mean nothing to kill him"

That doesn't help, instead Marcus runs off and I follow. Juliet and Elizabeth stay behind because they can't run as fast as us. When we are back in Volterra, Marcus storms into the throne room ordering "Demetri, find the human that Elizabeth has been...intimate with now"

"What's going on?" Caius asks, he and Aro were on their thrones.

"I'm guessing visiting the graves" Aro asks "didn't go well?"

"It did" nodding my head while Marcus growls "it did not, Demetri find the man now!"

"Demetri don't" I order

Marcus looks my way "Why? This man"

"This is supposed to be a happy time" I say "and what are you going to do? Get Demetri to bring this guy to the alter and marry Elizabeth?"

"No" he growls "I'm going to kill him"

"For those" Sulpacia is here with Athenadora "who don't know, what's going on?"

"Elizabeth is pregnant" Marcus growls "and the father wants nothing to do with her or the baby" Aro and Caius share a look with their mates.

"You can't kill him" I say "he's like going to die in a decade or two, he's like fifty years old"

"He's how old?!" Marcus demands, then looks at Elizabeth when she and Juliet come in "Young lady! What kind of men do you sleep with?" Looking at Jane "Jane, you will keep an eye on Juliet twenty four seven—make sure she doesn't end up pregnant!"

"I'm into women" Juliet says, so? Just because your into women doesn't mean you can't go to a sperm bank and end up pregnant.

Soon Marcus argues with his Juliet and Elizabeth about safe sex and who they can and cannot date. Oh this will be an eventually eternity won't it? But I guess it's worth it, I have my soul mate and beautiful family by my side.

~Marcus's POV~

"Let's adopt another baby" Alexis suggests, we are watching over our grandson Milo. Elizabeth and Juliet are out getting some more diapers with the elite guard following them "a boy this time, no! Three boys and two girls"

"You want a big family don't you?" I ask kissing my mate.

"Babies" she says

"Alright" I have spent centuries walking this earth alone, not knowing when death will come. But Ron I met Alexis, she brings this life back to me that I don't know existed since Dydime died. I'm glad she's in my life, without her I'd be the empty shell I once was.

I'm glad I get to spend eternity with my beautiful mate and our beautiful family.

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