Yo. I'm not back in case if you're wondering. I just thought I give another try at this fanfiction while I get time. Let's get started.
_________________________________________Why do I need to succeed? How can I succeed? These questions are wrong. The correct question is how can I command myself to work hard.
Naruto scrunched his eyes.
I'm the worst. The worst student, ninja and maybe the worst ally. When someone calls on my fault I just turn my back justifying it with the reason that they hate me.
Naruto rubbed his eyes.
At last no one helps you. You're alone after all. I told Konohamaru to work hard but everything was handed down to me on sliver platter when niichan came. And I rejected it all. What should I do?
Naruto stood up on the branch.
Will apologizing make it just how it was before?
I need to try.....
And Naruto jumped away.
Danzo didn't knew what it was. A song , a melody or rather a message from God. Such melodious and soft tune as if it filled him new youth and vigor. Unknown to most, he liked music. He was old, a little older than Hiruzen. The thing is due to using Hashirama cells on his body his life-force has been strengthened.
Hashirama cells.
Was that his old mentor all to him? He defiled his corpse. His own sensei's corpse. Just for what? Only for power. Power to simply control a beast. He ordered Uchiha Itachi to kill his own clan. Every child, every blooming flower, every bread winner of the family, every daughter and every son. God knows whose mother, whose wife, whose daughter, whose uncle whose aunt died. He was the killer of them all.
Danzo stared at his hand. What has he done? He killed everyone of them. He took Shisui Uchiha's eye. What for? That devotional lad was ready to use his eye to save everyone but only so Danzo could have that power in his hands, he.... he ...... Danzo palm met his face.
Was he crying? Danzo covered his eye. He was. There was no shame in admitting it. He wanted everyone and everything to be perfect in his ideal Konoha. Where did he go wrong? Was he never on par with Hiruzen? Was he always this far behind?
Looking back now, he was. While he was supposed to be the Shadow of Hiruzen's Light, he became the darkness himself. He went wrong and even he didn't knew where. He just defiled his father figure and mentor's peaceful corpse. The corpse of his comrades. He did everything wrong of what he was supposed to do right.
Maybe now there is only one thing he could do. Admit his sins and take the burden with him to afterlife. Danzo's hand was just a mere inch away from phone ready to call and tell Hiruzen everything when the music of the flute stopped.
Danzo suddenly snapped out of his stupor. What was he doing? He wasn't going to really do that right? Right?! His face became stone hard again. What was happening? Danzo buried all those feelings or the better way to say it would be he crushed those feelings of regret. He was Danzo Shimura. He did nothing wrong. Dead men are not mentors, father figures or someone who could complain. Dead men are dead men.
What was that anyways? Some sort of jutsu? Or someone talented. If Danzo could get his hands on this person, he would force him in ROOT or simply take his instrument and dispose of him. Clearly the fool didn't knew the full extent of the power he displayed.
"ANBU!!!" Suddenly three ANBU body flickered in front of Danzo Shimura kneeling down. "Find whoever was playing that tune and bring him to me. Use either hook or crook. That person should not escape."

Naruto: The Great change
Random"In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state." ...