Chapter 9

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It's been two months since the whole Harry situation. We talk every now and then, but it's hard with the time difference, him touring and myself working. I knew this would happen but I thought it would be fine. I start getting tea ready by cutting the vegetables and getting the meat ready. Alannah isn't home yet, which is odd. I hear my phone start to vibrate.

It's Harry. Is he FaceTiming?! I quickly tried and fixed my hair and accepted FaceTime.

"Hello" he says, smiling.

"Hi" I said, a little stunned. I didn't expect Harry to call. I have hardly spoken to him but this is nice. I have missed his voice.

"How are you?" He lay while lying on the pillow.

"I'm great thank you, yourself?"

"That's good! I'm great, just hanging out in the hotel", he turns his camera to show the room. It's beautiful as always.

"That's good as well and very nice Styles, how is the touring?" I turned the meat off. I have a feeling we could be talking for a little bit and I don't want to burn the house down.

"It's going well, it's been so busy, which is normal for us. We have a day off today, so we are just doing business work."

"Well, I hope you enjoy your day off-"

I hear the front door open and Alannah walks in. She puts her keys down on the bench and looks at me.

"Sorry one second."

I mutedly muted FaceTime.

"Alannah, I'm on FaceTime with Harry!"

"Cool" she says, walking to turn the kettle on.

"OK, is everything okay?" I said, putting my phone on the table so Harry couldn't see. "Yes"  she turns her head, lifting her hand up to put her hair behind her ear.

"It doesn't sound like that."

"Well, I'm getting over hearing all about the Harry situation. To be honest, Sophia, I don't care about what you have to say about Harry. You need to understand that it won't work and FaceTiming him is weird and going to make this so much harder", she walks off to her room before closing the door.

What the fuck. I haven't even gone on about Harry for three weeks. This is the first time I have said anything about the situation. I grab my phone and unmute myself.

"Is everything OK?" Harry asks. "Yeah, everything is fine". I half smiled. I quickly changed topics. Harry and I continued talking for another hour. I finished cooking and eating tea.

"Alright, I have to go, my love". I got the butterflies back in my tummy as soon as he said that.

"It's been good talking to you Harry"

"Same to you Soph"

We end the call and I finish my tea and clean up. Alannah hasn't come out of her bedroom still. I want to go in there and ask what is going on but I'm annoyed at her with the way she acted. I headed to my room and got changed into my pjs. I get into bed and go on social media to see what everyone is doing. My mind wonders over to Harry's Instagram and before I know it, I'm going through all his photos. He has photos with very different captions.

Harrystyles: banana
Harrystyles: Hi, Bye
Harrystyles: It's like talking to a brick wall..

He doesn't really say much to them. I need to sleep or I'll keep looking before I know it. It will be 1am and I don't need that.


Another week has past and Alannah had hardly spoken to me. I haven't asked what is going on as I know when she is ready to speak she will be. Harry and I have spoken every day now, whether it was FaceTime or calling, we spoke. He mentioned once flying me to America to see him but someone interrupted him and we haven't spoken about it again. So I have no idea if he was being serious or not.

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