Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sun shining through my blinds. God my head hurts. I cover my face with my doona. I suck at drinking. I just need to slow down next time. I closed my eyes again.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. My blinds are completely closed. No sun. I needed that. Alannah must've come in and closed them. Bless her. I got my phone and looked at the time. It's 11:27am. I have slept in. I completely roll over and open my phone, I start going through stories on Snapchat and Instagram. All very boring stuff for a Sunday. I open Twitter and scroll through it for a bit before I say a tweet from a One Direction fan page.

Tweeter ~

1donefannews: Harry was out in LA last night, getting too close to a female

1donefannews: Harry was out in LA last night, getting too close to a female

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I click on the photo and my heart drops. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. I stared at the photo a little bit. I can feel my heart sink. I click on the comments below the post.

Iloveharry11: He was seen leaving with her too. My heart is broken because of how lucky she is.

Liamisthebest: She is so lucky. Apparently, he was with her all night!

Harrystyleslovver: I want what she has, I'm so annoyed that it isn't me.

Zaynzaynzayn: There is a video of them kissing, but it's a terrible video.

A video. Oh my god. I can't look at the video.

I couldn't stop looking at the comments. My heart is racing. I feel sick. I shouldn't feel like that, but I thought that maybe he liked me. I'm so dumb. Why would Harry like anyone else who lives in London? I'm so dumb letting myself get feelings for him.

I turned my phone off and threw it across my bed. I lay there closing my eyes. I just can't believe this. He took her home. Had conversations with her like we did. Oh my god. I like him. Too much. I should've let this get too far.

Alannah was right, this was never going to work. Of course he is going to do that. He is one of the biggest celebrities in the world. He is good looking and young. He is free, we aren't dating or anything, but I thought there was something there. I guess I was wrong.

I felt water on the bridge of my nose. I didn't even realise that I was tearing up. I can't help but just let the tears flow. I cover my hands over my face and bury myself in my doona. I can feel the water on the sheets. This is why I don't let guys into my life, I just get hurt. My heart is aching.

There was a soft knock at my door. "Come in", I said almost as softly as the knock.

Alannah walks in, she walks to the other side of the bed and gets in. I quickly wiped my eyes and turned to her. She just looked at me with sadness. "Did you see?" I could hardly finish the sentence.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" she wiped a tear coming down my face. "Why are you apologising?" I said from now.

"I said horrible things to you not that long ago and, with what Harry did, I'm just sorry, I actually thought you two would work out". I let out a big breath. Like I was holding it in for ages and not even realising it.

"I knew it wasn't going to work", I barely let out.

"Is there anything I can do?" Alannah says, sitting up a little. "No thanks, I'm just going to sleep for the day". I put my head back on my pillow, pulling my doona up.

After a while, Alannah got up and I lay there. I couldn't even sleep, all I could think about was Harry. He hasn't even messaged me. I got on my phone again. I was about to go back on Twitter but I stopped. If I go on here I'll see things I don't want to see. I turned over and put my phone in charge. Before I know it, my eyes started to get heavy.

I wake up to my phone buzzing. I stretch my body out and my hand grabs my phone. I don't even look at who is calling and I answer the call. "Hello", my voice breaks as I'm still trying to wake up. "Sophia?" It's a deep voice. "Who is this" my eyes are still closed, I can't even be bothered to look who it is.

"Harry" my eyes opened. My heart started racing. I didn't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"Are you there?" His voice is so soft . "Yeah" he replied back.

"How are you?" He asked, "Harry. I can't do this." I didn't realise I was going to say that.


"Harry give it up, I can't do this. I saw what you did last night and I can't believe I let you into my life and I understand you are in this famous world and you're touring, but it wasn't going to work out and I'm sorry but I need to go" I quickly pull my phone away from my face and end the call before I could hear what he has to say.

I don't need to hear it, it's done. Nothing can be changed.

My phone starts buzzing again, seeing Harry's name come up on my screen. I declined the call and turned my phone off completely. I put my phone on the bedside table and sink back into my bed.

I need to get over him and I guess the only way is to block him on everything. I need to get rid of Twitter or block him. It's hard to like a person who is famous see you see them everywhere and see what they are doing. It's heartbreaking, because no one else knows but us.

I need to get back to my normal life. I need to work on myself again. I can't let a guy come into my life and make me feel like that. I'm done with guys. I'm done with Harry Styles.

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