17 | Everything In Its Right Place

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When Y/N finally woke from her slumber, she conjectured that everything she felt the night before was only a fantasy. She sat up in bed, noticing she was alone. Hawks was gone, and so was the comforting presence that lulled her to sleep. Her mind was void and empty of all thought as she scanned the room, searching for him.

The pillow Hawks rested his head on was pressed down and curving from where he constantly slept. The bed felt warm, and she theorized that he had only recently left. There were still crinkles in the sheets from where his body lay, a body that had been so close but regrettably far away.

It hurt, even if it was expected. Every man she slept beside ended up committing the same act, no matter if they were truthful or not. There was always confusion, and she was often alone, craving for something that would never become a reality.

Yet, Y/N allowed herself to fall back into the sheets, curling herself up and appreciating the remnants of his scent. What she would remember the most was craving his presence, wishing she did not have to wake up alone.

Where could he have gone? And why was he holding back?

Instinctively, she reached for her phone that lay charging on the bedside table. And to her surprise, there was a text from Hawks.

Birdman: Emergency call only two blocks down. I'll be back soon. Once you get your hero suit you can come out with me :)

The woman couldn't help but let a smirk spread across her once frowning lips, discerning that her presumptions were futile. She had trusted Hawks, and he had proven to not let her down. That unspoken bond between them, one that she felt in her bones but could not unravel, was becoming more intense.

Maybe this time, it was right. Perhaps this entire time, she had been blind to who he truly was and what he proved to be.

Y/N fell back to the sheets with a grin stretching along her lips, satisfied to know her reaction would never be viewed by another, even by the hero who caused it.


The days blurred together. Days turned into a week, and before she knew it, Y/N had been a resident at Hawks's agency for a month. There was one more month until she would be forced into the next Pro Hero meeting, where they would decide her fate and if she was worthy. Then, there would be two more months to prepare for the most rigorous and frightening battle of her life. A battle that those deciding her fate were not even aware of.

The past week was spent training with Tokoyami and occasionally Hawks, while the other half was spent holed up in her apartment. She had fallen to her bed, sore and exhausted every single day. Yet this morning, she was slightly more energetic. The pain that twisted in her muscles, arms, legs, and torso had subsided. Even Sara could tell Y/N was perky as she picked up the phone, greeting her daughter excitedly— not expecting it to be returned.

"Hi Sugarplum. " Sara swooned, undoubtedly being treated like royalty wherever she was residing with Aizawa. Now that a routine had been established, Y/N could talk with her mother reliably. And she needed it more than ever. Since moving into the agency, she called and updated Sara... with the more mundane details. What mattered to Y/N was that Sara was safe and protected by Aizawa. Though, as the week came to a close, there was less and less to talk about. She could never find the right words to admit her faults or explain what was required of her. But, was there really a way to warn her mother about the end of the world?

There was, yet it was not time. The last thing the woman wanted to do was frighten her loved ones prematurely.

"What about Hawks? How is he doing?"

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