02 | Let It Happen

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"Your father said you were quirkless."

Y/N grimaced, replaying Aizawa's words over and over again in her head.

Did her father even have a name to them anymore? Over a decade ago, he was one of the most idolized heroes in their hometown. Everyone loved him, everyone trusted him. Metal Fists should have been a heroic name that went down in the history books. But according to the cruel and problematic Pro Hero Association, once a hero was defeated, they were discarded and ignored.

Including the family. Ever since his death, not one of them had bothered to check up on her and her mother. All they received from her father's selfless dedication to the organization was a small payout.

Practically glaring at Aizawa from behind, Y/N tried to keep herself calm as they entered the famous, glistening doors of the Hero Association's headquarters.

The building was overwhelming. It smelled sterile and unforgiving to someone like her— someone who was in between. Y/N knew she was a threat to them because of her secretiveness and resistance.

Regardless of the power she held, the young woman was still frightened of what was about to ensue. She had her theories of how they were going to try and recruit her.

Y/N swallowed hard. That was an optimistic view of why she was summoned. It could be much, much worse.

Suddenly anxious, she spoke before she could stop herself. "Can you at least tell me why I've been summoned?" Her timid, yet somehow confident voice echoed down the white marble hallway.

"Do you honestly believe you're safe after what just happened?"

Y/N stopped in her tracks. "What do you mean?"

Aizawa hardly glanced behind his shoulder, stiff as stone. "Not only are you a threat, but you are under threat."

From who? Y/N wanted to ask, but her voice faltered from the information. The direness of her situation finally became clear, and because of it, she grew even more nervous. At this point, she wasn't sure, but she thought she was trembling.

Her silence spoke volumes, causing the Pro Hero to turn and fully face her.

Aizawa could see the fear in her eyes, and it saddened him. Though he hadn't seen her since she was a child- he still cared about her wellbeing. And after witnessing the current state she was in now, he had a lot of regrets about not reaching out to her sooner.

"Just wait until after the debriefing, Y/N."

He tensed again. Unfortunately, he was unable to express sympathy in his tone.

Aizawa tried again, this time, taking a deep breath before speaking. "I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Y/N bit her lip, expression cracking at his words. She knew that was one of her father's final wishes, he had lied to the Association about her abilities to protect her. Aizawa seemed to acknowledge this fact, as he fell silent, his eyes averting once he spoke again.

"Don't show weakness, especially now."

All the young woman did was nod, and waited for him to lead her down the lengthy hallway and into the room at the end of it. But she had noticed the change in his demeanor. She knew he was sorry, and that was enough to continue on. At least he was trying.

A strange, foreign, unexplainable sort of confidence settled within her soul. The young woman was able to take a deep breath and enter the conference room. She nodded to Aizawa as he held the door open for her.

Y/N was met with an array of piercing gazes and confused expressions.

A formal and warm welcome was wishful thinking. The room was already buzzing with heated debates. Some of the heroes were standing out of frustration, while others seemed indifferent.

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