24 | Preparation & Remembrance

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It was the first time Y/N had ever stepped on UA grounds, yet she felt at peace. Honestly, it was nothing special, but the energy the school exuded was like nothing she had ever felt before. Her mother was there, Aizawa was there, and the kids were there. This place was their home, and for the first time, she felt it could be hers. It was a place she wanted to protect.

If only she realized it sooner.

Y/N was nervous; the promise of reunion, yet the urgency to solve the threat of war, were all jumbled inside her mind. But Hawks was there, and confidence ran through her veins because of him. He guided her forward with his hand resting gently on the small of her back, not too much, but enough. That was how she knew him, always waiting for her move but unafraid to encourage her.

Over the phone, Y/N had been discrete, indecipherable even, worrying that her phone was tapped. But Aizawa understood, even if he was worried. She knew her call had come out of nowhere, and her tone was adamant and demanding.

Yet, there had always been an understanding between them since their reconnection. The hatred Y/N held was no longer present when it came to Aizawa. Instead, he was a comfort of the past, the good and the bad. And with each day that passed, it was only good.

She was different now. She was a woman with great power, even if she didn't recognize it. Her quirk was still unknown, even though she had been training with Hawks for months. There was only so much they could discover. The time she once had to grow, to gain control, was snatched from her grasp.

Despite that, Y/N was determined to protect the people she loved. And for once, it wasn't just her mother. There were many more.

At the entrance, Aizawa was leaning against the wall, his phone in hand, trying to pretend he hadn't analyzed every movement they made around each other. Since her father couldn't be there, he was the surrogate.

Y/N's eyes were inconspicuously on Aizawa the entire time, and she couldn't help but smile at how awkward he stood. His attempt at acting indifferent was feeble.

It was sweet. At that moment, everything was. Y/N was aware of her surroundings despite them being unfamiliar.

A slight breeze tickled her skin, and she could hear birds chirping happily from the trees littering the front lawn. It was a beautiful campus, and the people were the only thing missing from it.

"Eraserhead!" Hawks greeted after he grasped onto Y/N's hand for reassurance. She didn't need it, but she welcomed it. There was no reason to shy away from his affections anymore, even in front of the heroes who were there for her inauguration.

"Shouta." She said, her tone tinged with respect. Before, she despised him for being a hero and thought he had abandoned her mother. But now, he was her father's best friend, her mother's protector. It was still rocky and sometimes awkward because of who Aizawa was, but she was trying to improve. At least this time, she appreciated it. At least this time, she trusted him. She could confide in him.

Aizawa's gaze flickered to their intertwined hands but immediately shot back up to Y/N's gaze. To the mentor, it had been evident from the start. He was just satisfied to see them submitting to their infatuations. He could tell she was happy next to Hawks. Only so many people could make her feel that way.

"Y/N." He nodded. "Hawks."

Nothing else needed to be said. There was only one other person Y/N craved to see.

"Sara is excited to see you." Aizawa said after acknowledging the intense stare in her eyes. Of course, that was what she wanted. Months had passed, and the mother and daughter were desperate for a reunion. Aizawa had spent many evenings comforting Sara, reassuring her that her daughter was safe, even if she wasn't.

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