Ghost or Cutie?

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Kylie rolled her eyes again, the rain on her car window more interesting than the man badgering on the phone. Some news had traveled up the food chain and Kylie was now in Los Angeles for a few weeks, maybe longer to fix up where she subordinates had failed her.
"Now, the shipments are scheduled for tonight around 1 am, the boys are in position securing the surrounding areas. If all goes smoothly, the girls should be escorted to the club around 2:30... now I'm told..." her shipyard manager, Mario, continues to ramble.
Kylie didn't give a shit about the logistics, she was just pissed. Some misogynist assholes had thought they could restart the trafficking young women thing in her territory and that it wasn't going to go unnoticed or unpunished.
Having already has dinner tonight in the form of 5 assholes, she just wanted to go back to the club and prepare for these girls but something was pulling her to drive around. Get some fresh air is what she told Lilith and Marcus. Both acted like she couldn't be alone for months and it was starting to drive her crazy.
Being a club boss was one thing but this mob stuff just made her want to slaughter cities. On top of Marcus becoming more and more concerned with her for some reason, even though she hadn't had an episode in months. Lilith's tea helped but sometimes she felt like she couldn't figure stuff out as fast as before and it wasn't about time Kylie had a little freedom. She was the boss if these people would remember correctly.
Kylie smirked as she looks in her rear view mirror. Of course Marcus has someone following her. Shaking her head, she cuts off Mario, "listen, just get it done and that bonus I promised you... it gets a few extra zeros at the end of it. But listen here, one, and I mean one, scratch on any of them or if one is missing when I see them tonight... and you'll have bigger things to worry about than that shipyard staying on schedule. We understand each other? Good great, see ya tonight."
Without even giving him a chance to respond she cuts off the phone call and starts up the car. "Let's see if I can have a little fun now," laughing she starts her engine and speeds off, knowing her car could and would out run her little follower. Faster she went, twisting and turning around corners, not even watching where she was headed. Her laughter making her cheeks hurt before she came to a halt and drove it into a parking garage, hiding behind someone's massive souped up truck. Waiting about 5 minutes, she gets out and looks around, a smile wide across her face.
This win only lasted a second before she saw the Crown Vic again making her giggle and close the door of her car, locking it before running on. Thank goodness for deciding to change after the meeting with those assholes. Heels and a short dress was not the move. Instead, she was now in some jeans and a crop top sweater. She didn't plan to see anyone again till the girls arrived and wanted to make them as comfortable as possible.
Her shoes pounded on the concrete, moving in an out of vehicles before running across the road and down an alley.
She glanced back and saw the guy throw his hands up before speeding off, knowing he was going to try and find a way around. Kylie quickly looks up to see where she even was and what was around. Her eyes are immediately driven to a strange looking sign that looked like it was in a different language. Weirdly enough, she felt this pull to walk in. Now she wasn't just trying to mess with her 'security' but she was curious and what's the worse that could happen, it's not like she couldn't protect herself.
Shrugging she proceeds to walk in, closing the door behind her softy. She glanced through the window to see the guy drive by and she giggles again.
"I swear, you'd think I hadn't killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people in my life time... I'm just a baby I guess," she jokingly whispers to herself.
"Mmmm I don't know if baby comes to mind but definitely not someone who I think wouldn't hurt anyone," a voice calls out, making Kylie jump about a million miles in the air, a scream of a gasp leaves her body.
Looking around, she sees nobody, eyes slowing starting to change from her usual hazel to emerald green. Hand over her heart, she lets herself see if there's any souls around. A small one looks to be sitting on the front desk counter, swaying back in forth.
"Ghost... or demon?" She whispers, hand on her heart and back now against the wall.
The air starts to mineralize, the shape of a pump white little but big headed man... boy?... starting to appear.
"Ghost and offended. Mistress doesn't remember me... that's just mean," he says with a lopsided grin and a wave in her direction.
"Wait... did you just call me mistress? And why would I remember you, I've never been here," she exclaims, eye taking in more of what looks like a lawyer/doctors office reception area. The name of the place on a big sign behind her new ghost friend, who knew surprisingly who she was.
"Never been here?!? This is the home of your... wait... you really don't remember?" He starts then stops before hopping... floating?... down to start pacing, mumbling to himself.
Kylie glances back at the window, the Crown Vic now parked out front of the building, and she holds up her keys to see an Apple air tag on it. "Of course the big guy would have me tracked, jackass," she shakes her head, turning back to her little friend.
"Umm, hate to interrupt... name?"
"Cole, how could Mistress forget..." the little guy now rambling even more.
"Right, so Cole, it was a pleasure to meet you, your soul looks delicious so thankfully for you I'm full and I've gotta jet. Maybe next time you could introduce me to this new... Master of yours," she laughs, booping his whispery nose before opening the door.
"Wait, let me go get him!" Cole starts to exclaim but Kylie is already out the door and down the steps to the car.
"No! I don't wanna bother and don't step outside!" Kylie yells back, knowing the ghost must be confined to the building and not wanting a perfectly good soul to disappear because it tried to step out and catch her.
Cole stops at the door frame, a frown and a slightly angry expression on his face, "Mistress really doesn't remember Master Danill?"
Now this has her taking a pause, one foot in the back seat, about to hop in and close the door. Why did that name sound so familiar, she couldn't place it but the grip it had on her heart. Her palm reaches up to rub her chest, looking up at the ghost in the strange doorway. "Who's Daniil?" She asks but not soon enough before being pulled in by the security and drove off.

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