Merry Christmas?

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Bells ring, lights twinkle, and pretty young girls run around naughty, giggling while each readies themself for the night. Kylie smirks, bumping hips with some of the girls while sneaking around back stage. The final act of the night was coming up and she'd already changed multiple times, for some reason nervousness had settled in for the night. Like something was gonna change but she couldn't figure out what was coming.
Pushing that feeling aside again, she claps her hand once, eyes passing quickly over her girls. "Alright my sweet vixens, we've practiced and we've played around but tonight is it and then 2 weeks of sweet freedom," she whisper yelled. More giggles ran throughout the dark, a soft smile slowly coming to on her face while her girls gathered around.
This was THE Christmas special and it would be the first time in a while the club would be closed for so long and the first time they'd EVER be closed for New Years Eve. Kylie saw how hard everyone had worked, so this year she decided she would welcome the peace and quiet of being 100% alone for 2 weeks. She was on top of her medication, had fed over the weekend and was ready for solitude to think about the new year.
"Chloe, Melanie, and Kelsey, don't forget your Santa Hats. They're with Carmen. Darcy your tights, and your thighs baby, look amazing. Stop messing with them. Unique and Bianca, help Lucy with her lashes. We're on in 5 minutes girls."
Kylie ran through all she could think of before turning to Lilith. "Okay... how's my hair? The back of my set look alright? And bitch! I'm going to miss you! 2 weeks is so long but I understand... how is your friend doing?" Kylie, a mess ball herself while Lilith looked her over, rolling her eyes at the drama Queen.
"Your hair is perfect and I'm sure no one cares about the outfit since you're going to loose it in 10 minutes from now, but nevertheless you look perfect. I know and he's doing good. Luci... I mean, Luca is just missing me being home for the holiday so I'm deciding to surprise him. He's all ill tempered you keep me so occupied." Both of them shake their head and giggle before hearing the 1 minute bell till countdown. "Alright ladies, to your places and don't forget, look merry and bright and like all of you adore eggnog like it's gold!"
Laughter rang throughout and the music started, Kylie slowly switching from fun stage mom to siren, eyes now sultry and needy all at the same time. Slowly with each note starting to leave her lips, the girls fall out onto the stage.
"Gentlemen, Gentle Ladies, and GentleThey/Them's, I hope you've come here tonight ready to become all kinds of Jolly," soft whispers of song leave her candy cane red lips, each word caressing all the ears in the house. Porcelain skin covered in red lace and frills escape from behind the curtain. Her eyes emerald green and bright, traveling across the crowd.
Her sight screeches to a halt on one dark figure in the back, the soul burning like a bright star across the room. Kylie freezes for just a second. She... her soul knows this star but from where.
She recovers and keeps moving, feeling all eyes on her. The bright star burned into her skin while her and the girls start their number. Something had come to change up her holiday peace for sure and she wasn't sure she was ready for it. 'Might as well dive right in... fuck it' she thought, falling into a giant martini glass filled with eggnog.
Glancing back at the star, she bites her lip, watching as it flickers even brighter while each piece of her set gets thrown at the crowd. Now naked except for pasties, she stands and feigns embarrassment for the number, falling back out of the glass into the arms of one of her security. She quickly disappears off stage. Her part done was finally done and the rest was the girls finale before the bar closed with everyone getting a goodie bag.
"Good Job Mistress, perfection like always,"  a gravel voice from the shadow calls.
"Would you accept anything less from me Marcus?" Kylie laughs, taking the robe her holds out to wrap around her.
"Of course not," he smirks coming into the light and following her to her private elevator.
"Is everything alright? You're acting weird. Are the girls and everyone ready to head out as soon as the club closes? I don't want to see a single soul here in the morning," she throws at him, the Mistress and businesswoman coming out.
"Just as you requested... but... you just have one last thing to deal with... it's in your office. I told them you weren't up for visitors but they insisted," Marcus rambles a bit at the end there, causing Kylie to glance back at him while stepping out of the elevator and closer to her office doors. "What do they want? I triple checked that all my meetings for the club, the gangs, and the city council were finished yesterday."
"Um.... It's personal? umm oh! Would you look at that! They need me downstairs at the front gate. Merry Christmas Mistress and call me if you need anything! I'm 30 minutes away!" Each statement becoming more and more muffled as he ran down the stairs.
Shaking her head, she tightens her robe and pushes the doors open, stepping in with all her power radiating off her. She didn't have time for this. "I don't know what he told you but I..." Kylie says strongly before stopping midway to her desk. "Excuse me, that's my chair jackass!" She yells, slamming her hands on the desk.
"Oh I'm sorry... I didn't think you'd mind... songbird," soft sultry words fill the air and slowly the chair turns, revealing the star that had been blinding her downstairs. Her eyes widen at the sight of seeing him and her eyebrow raises at how attractive he looked up close.
"Merry Christmas songbird... oh no, demon got your tongue?" The handsome stranger whispers, leaning up and onto the desk to get closer. His voice sending shivers down her spine and need straight to her core. 'Who... the.. fuck... is this man'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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