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"Sherlock leave him alone about it already." John says and tries to help me out here. 

"Why should I? He's clearly lonely, but just doesn't want to admit I'm right!" My stubborn little brother Sherlock says and turns to look at me. "Why won't you just admit that you're lonely?" He asks.

"I'm not Lonely Sherlock." 

"Ugh! Yes you are you stubborn Prat!" He says and I sigh. 

"Why do you care so much anyway?" John asks.

"He doesn't. Good day you two." I stand up from my spot on the couch and walk out of their flat. I run into Detective Inspector Gregory Lestrade on my out. "Detective Inspector." 

"Hello." Gregory says and then we continue or separate ways. Anthea is in the car when I get in and is text on her phone like always. 

"Where to sir?" The driver asks. 

"Home." He nods and then starts to dive us back to my Manor. 


I walk into Sherlock and John's flat and see Sherlock staring at a computer. "Sherlock who was the bloke with the umbrella and nice suit that was outside?" 

"Do you have a case for me or not?" Sherlock asks and just avoids the question.

"Cold cases. Nothing new has come up yet." 

"Set them down." He says and I do. I stand there and wait for him to answer my question. "What do you want?" He asks and looks at me.

"Ya, I asked you who the bloke with the fancy suit and umbrella was."

"A person with a 'minor' position in the British Government." He says with a hint of sarcasm when he said minor.

"Ya but who is he?" 

"You will know soon enough, trust me." John says as he walks in the room with a cup of tea in hand. I sigh and nod as I walk out of their flat and back out onto the busy London streets. I get back in my car and head back to New Scotland Yard. 

When I get there I get out of my car and walk into my office. "Sally anything new?" 

"Nothing new since you left boss." Sally says and I walk into my office and shut the door. I sigh as I look at the piles of paperwork that I have to do. I sit down and start on them so that I can hopefully get home tonight at a decent time. 

{Six hours later}

A knock is heard at my door. "Come in." The door opens and woman who is just looking at her phone and texting is standing there.

"Grab your things. You're off for the night and you have a meeting to get to." The woman says and I grab my things. 

"Where am I going?" She's just quiet and we walk out to a black government official car. She opens the door and we get in and I shut the door. The car starts off and I decide to lean back and try and catch a bit of shuteye. 

{At the location}

"Inspector." She says and I wake up. 


"We're here." She says and I open the door of the car and get out. 

"Where is here exactly?" The car door just gets shut behind me and the car drives off. I reach for my gun as I walk up to this house? No it can't be a house, it's to grand for that. I go up to the door and knock. The door is opened as someone walks out and I step inside. 

They shut the door and I walk down one of the many halls in the place. Finally I run into another person and it looks just like the same woman that was in the car with me not that long ago. "Where am I and where do I need to go?"

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