Mycroft are you okay

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{A year later}


I stare at the file on my desk from my place leaning against my wall.

"Sir." Anthea says and I look up at her.


"Mary is with the others at Saint Barts." She says and I nod.

"Thank you Anthea." I close my eyes and sigh before closing the file and opening my drawer and using my key to unlock the back and hide the file in the compartment.

I leave and grab my umbrella on my way out before locking my office. Anthea go out to the car and head off to Saint Barts.

{At Saint Barts}

I walk into Molly Hoopers office and see Mary, John, Molly, and Gregory.

Mary walks over and I sigh as she hands over an envelope. I put it in my pocket to look at later and then walk over to Gregory and wrap my arms around him.

"Hey Myc. Are you doing okay?" Gregory asks.

"I'm just fine Darling. How are you?"

"I'm fine, but are you sure you're okay?" He asks and I kiss his cheek.

"I'm fine."

"You seem a bit pale. Are you sure everything is alright?" John asks.

"Everything is fine Doctor Watson."

He shares a look with Gregory and Mary sighs.

"It would be best if maybe you had a few days off sir." Mary says and I shake my head.

"That's a luxury I can't afford."

"Of course. I have the file you asked for." She says and hands it over to me.

"Thank you Mary."

She nods and Gregory turns around and stares at me as I put the file in my inside suit jacket pocket.

He places a hand on the side of my face and runs his thumb over the very faint bruise on my cheekbone.

"Myc what's going on with you?" Gregory asks and I sigh.

"It's nothing Gregory. Just work is all."

"Work doesn't leave you coming home with bruises all along your body." He says and John looks confused.

"Wait, Greg where we're all the bruises?" John asks.

"His back, face, ribs, and arms." Gregory says and I grumble.

"Sherlock came in with similar bruises, minus the ones on his back. He knuckles also appeared to be a bit bloody." Molly says.

"Myc's we're as well." Gregory says and I sigh.

"We're working on the same case. We got into a bit of a tussle during it."

"Mycroft why don't I go and see if I can keep an eye on the group?" Mary offers and I nod.

"That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Mary."

She nods and walks out and Gregory looks at me and waits for me to explain further. I don't and John seems fed up.

"Mycroft what the hell are you and Sherlock working on?" John asks.

"It's nothing."

John sighs and eventually he leaves. Gregory has to step out to answer a call and Molly looks at me sadly.

"I take it that you still have no new information on who your father's real killer is." Molly says and I nod.

"I do appreciate your helping Sherlock, Eurus, and I with this."

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