Another day

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My head hurts and there is overly annoying beeping sound to my right.

Wait, beeping? Am I in the hospital? How did I get here?

Shit! Did Sherlock and Gregory get released? Is Rory okay? They haven't done anything to Anthea, John, Molly, Mary, Sally, Philip, Eurus, or Mrs. Hudson have they?  Is everyone okay? Are they even alive?

God please don't let them be dead or hurt, this is my fault, if anyone should be dead it's me.

Who the hell is holding my hand? God I'm bloody freezing, who's in charge of the heating here?"

I flutter my eyes open and get greeted to a dark room. I look to my right and see that Sherlock is asleep with his head rest on his arm that is second away from slipping off the arm rest.

I look to my left and see Gregory resting his head on one of his arms while holding my hand. I move my right arm over and run my fingers through Gregory's hair. He stirs a bit and mumbles before blinking and opening his eyes.

He sits up and runs a hand over his face and I notice the stubble he has. He clearly hasn't shaved in a while.

"Myc, why did you wake me up?" Gregory asks and yaws while rubbing his eyes.

"Wait. Myc!" He shouts and Sherlock hits his elbow on the side of the chair.

"Greg what the bloody hell are you shouting for?" Sherlock asks.

"Good morning you two."

"Mikey!" He shouts and a nurse comes walking into the room.

"Mr. Holmes! I wasn't expecting you up for another three weeks." The nurse says.

"Another three weeks!" I push myself up.

"Shit!" Both Sherlock and Gregory help me sit up and I look at both of my bandages arms.

"Careful. Your cuts were deep. It's a miracle that you survived at all. The thread should dissolve in a few more days, but take it easy." The nurse says and I nod.

I watch as they leave and Sherlock hugs me. I hug him back and he hides his face in my shoulder, much like he did when we were younger and I had just woken up from my first attempt.

"I thought I was going to lose you." Sherlock says and it gets muffled by the hospital gown I'm in.

"You didn't, that's what matters."

Suddenly his words from a few weeks ago play over in my head and I grip his coat tightly.

"If you ever think for one second, that I wouldn't sacrifice myself for you, then you are surely mistaken. I love you Brother Mine, don't you ever forget that."

He grips the back of my hospital gown and nods a bit before crying. I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder.

I caused him this pain on more then one occasion. I'm the reason for the pain he's feeling and I know that. A few tears fall from my eyes and when he pulls away from me I grab his hands and he stares at me confused.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asks.

"Everything. I've put you through immense emotional pain on more than one occasion. When I get out of here, I'm going to go and give this speech to Eurus, because you both need to hear this. I'm sorry for not being strong enough to pull through this and pain you both at such young ages. I'm sorry I haven't been a good older brother, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it so you had a kind and loving childhood like you deserved."

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