Set up

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A year later


Rory is sitting on the floor as he reads one of the books off my book shelf. "Rory, there are chairs or a couch you can sit on." 

"I'm just fine on the floor." Rory says and I watch as he lays down and John walks in while looking at me confused. I shrug and he shakes his head before sitting down in his chair across from me.

"So Rory, how's Mycroft doing?" John asks and Rory sits back up, before shutting the book and placing it next to himself. 

"He's okay. Still struggling, but okay." Rory says and I nod.

"You two haven't exactly explained what is going on with him." John says and I sigh.

"Ever since we were young, Mummy has always had something against him. Our Father was much nicer to him, until he died. After he died Mycroft was never the same. He became depressed and then really started to listen to what Mummy had to say to him."

"That's what you two are talking about." John says and we nod.

"My kidnapping didn't help him, and he slipped even further. And well you have a good idea about his eating habits." Rory says and I nod. 

"So how are he and Lestrade?"

"I don't know." He says and I look at him confused.

"How so?" 

"Lestrade was sent on an undercover mission, and Dad has been busy." He says and we soon hear the sound of my brothers shoes coming up the stairs.  He walks in and Rory stands up before handing me my book. 

"Rory, go wait downstairs with Miss Hudson for a moment. I'll be done in a bit." Mycroft says and Rory nods before waving and walking downstairs. I look at Mycroft and he shuts the door and stands there for a moment.

"What can we help you with Mycroft?" John asks.

"Whatever you two are trying to do, keep Rory out of it. He doesn't need to be roped into what you two have planned. I also have to ask if you can watch him for two weeks, while I meet with the Prime Minister." Mycroft says.

"We can watch him for you. When do you leave?"

"At the end of the week." He says and I nod. 

"We can watch him. Also what's this undercover mission Lestrade is on?"

"It's a drug's bust, from the inside." He says.

"When do you expect him back?"

"Sometime before the end of the week. I don't know the day as of yet." He says and I nod. With that he leaves to go get Rory and head home. I go into my mind palace for a while to pass the time.

{The next week}


I watch as Rory and Sherlock work on some experiments in the kitchen and they both seem to be enjoying themselves. I pull my mobile out of my pocket and sending a text to Greg to ask him he's doing with time off, to heal up after getting into a scuffle with some of the drug addicts in the drug den. 


How are you doing 

I'm doing okay

Bored out of my bloody mind though

Why don't you come over


Because we've got Rory 

Why do you have him and not Mycroft 

He's away talking with the Prime Minister

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