The ex wife

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It's silent on both ends and eventually she angrily sighs and mumbles.

"Greg, why the hell did you answer me if you're not going to fucking talk to me?"

"Sara, you called me. I don't know what you want me to say."

"You can start by telling me where you are."

"I'm chatting with my boss."

"Your car wasn't at the Yard, so where are you really?"

"I told you, I'm chatting with my boss."

"Like hell you are!"

"Ma'am I can assure you, that he is in fact talking with his boss." Myc says and I step closer to him, despite her not really being here with us.

"And just who are you?"

"I'm his boss. The one you never knew about, and if you need to speak with him, then feel free to come and do it in person. I'll send you a location if you like." He says and I get extremely confused.

He looks over at me with a small smile on his face and winks. I can feel myself go red and turn away from him a bit and I know he's still love at me.

"Fine, but you both better be there!"


The call ends and Myc pulls his mobile out of his pocket and send a location with who I can only assume is Sara and then starts walking towards the garage door.

I shove my mobile into my pocket and follow him out. He locks up and then gets in the car and I get in the passenger side. We head off to wherever it is that we're going to go meet Sara.

{At an abandoned parking garage}

We get out of his car and walk towards the middle of the parking garage and Myc leans on an umbrella I didn't even know he had with him. Though I'm not all that surprised that he has it.

We stand there and I just stand next to Myc nervously. He glances over at me and wraps an arm around my waist and I freeze. I'm more surprised that he's done this then by his arm actually being around me.

I look at him and he's looking at his pocket watch and soon Sara's car pulls up and I expect him to move his arm from around me, but instead he puts his pocket watch away and looks at her car and hold onto me the same as still has.

She gets out and walks over to us and I still expect him to let go but instead he moves his hand around my waist more.

"Hello Sara, Lestrade. You have yet to change your name, so don't try and correct me." Myc says to her and I feel her gaze burning into me.

"Who are you?" Sara asks and I look at Myc but he just stares her down.

"I see you've come from your fifth boyfriend's flat." He says and she looks incredibly angry with him.

"How dare you!" She says and I flinch involuntarily.

"You heard me. Now, explain what you want or I'll tell him myself." He says and I look at him, before back at her and then down at the ground.

"I came to ask if he wanted to try again but you seem to think I'm still sleeping around!" She shouts and I sigh, knowing deep down that that's exactly what she wanted to talk about.

"I'm sorry but he's moved on from you. It's best you head home." He says and I look at him and realize that he knows exactly how I feel about him.

"How would you know? It's not like he tells you." She says sarcastically and Myc looks at me and mouths an apology. I look at him confused and he sighs.

He then kisses me and I'm utterly shocked but reciprocate his kiss immediately. When he pulls away from me and I'm slightly out of breath and blushing like mad.

"You're with a man! What the hell Greg!" She yells but I'm still distracted by the kiss that just happened to even notice.

"Go home Sara. Those flowers need to be put in a vase." Myc says as he turns back to face her and I snap out o if and look at him confused.

"You sent me those and that note!" She yells at him and he doesn't react other then smiling slightly.

"I only report what is true and I figured that you deserved a card that explained exactly what you are. Goodnight." He says and guides me back to his car.

When we get in he starts it up and drives back to his manor as if nothing happened. I feel as if my heart is going to beat out of my chest and while my confusion about the flowers he sent with a note to Sara leaves and I'm left with confusion about the kiss.

{Back at the Manor}

We get out and inside I watch as he locks the door and then looks at me.

"Are we going to talk about what happened?"

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asks and I nod as I rub the back of my neck. He walks closer to me and grabs my hands.

"I want to apologize. It was unexpected, but I knew it would get her to leave faster, and I'm not blind to how you look at me." He says and I nod.

"Did you only do it because you wanted her to leave?"

He lets go of my hands and puts one under my chin and the other on my lower back and pulls me close.

"No." He says and kisses me again. I close my eyes and kiss him back instantly. Despite only kissing him twice now, I've never felt this way with any other relationship that I've ever been in.

When we pull away from one another in order to breathe, I can tell that I'm incredibly red in the face and Myc also appears to be blushing as well.


We all sit around my mother's dining table and watch the interaction between the two. Rory looks incredible happy and can't help but share in his happiness at the thought of my boss trying for a relationship.

My mother seems proud and I can only assume that it's because she was there long before Rory was born and a good part of his first year with Mycroft.

I shut my laptop and we all smile like mad and talk about it until I have to Take Rory back. He hugs my mother goodbye and then we head back to his house.

When we get there I unlock the door and we walk in. We find Mycroft and Greg sitting on the couch each with a drink in hand and they both look over at us and smile.

"Anthea, thank you." Mycroft says and I nod.

"I'm going to go back home for the night if you don't mind Sir."

"It's quite alright. Goodnight Anthea." He say and I smile.

"Goodnight Sir. Goodnight Greg, and Rory, sleep well."

"I will Aunt Anthea. Goodnight." Rory says and hugs me. I hug him and then leave and lock the door behind me as I leave.

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