Oh god

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{At the hospital}


My Headmaster drops me off at the hospital and I run inside. I spot Father first and run over to him. He hugs me and I hug him tightly.

"What happened to Dad?"

"Oh Rory, I'm so sorry!" Father says and I feel tears fall down my face.

"What happened to him?"

"It's my fault. I should have known that there was something wrong." Uncle Sherlock says.

I look at him and he turns his head away from me. I notice the cut on Father's arm and pull away a bit and stare at it and then at him.

"Uncle Sherlock and I were kidnapped and I accidentally cut myself on the knife I was using to get him free." Father says and I nod.

I wipe my eyes and try to stay calm. I know my Dad and he would never just give up, he's still going fight through it to the end.

"Dammit! She should have fucking chosen me!" Sherlock shouts. John hugs him and I stare at Father as he looks for a nurse to tell us anything.

They keep passing us and I only want to yell at them and demand answers, but I know that I can't and that I shouldn't.

I sigh and lean into Father and he holds me tightly. There's not much more he can do and I try and hold back more tears.

{Two hours later}


Rory is asleep and John has gone to inquire anything about Myc's condition. Molly has taken Sherlock up to the morgue so he can beat some of the bodies with a riding crop and try to get himself out of his head.

John walks over and shakes his head before heading up join Sherlock and Molly. I can only pray that since they haven't told me he's dead, that he's somewhat stable.

I close my eyes for a moment but see Myc's face as he makes the cuts. He was so steady and was so calm. Despite his tears he seemed at peace. I snap my eyes open.

A nurse walks over and she looks over at me and the around the room before walking over.

"Are you Greg Lestrade?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am."

"Mr. Holmes is stable for now, but the extent of how deep the cuts were, it's a miracle that he's alive." She says.

"When can I see him?"

"Visiting hours are over, but I'm going to make you an exception." She says and I gently shake Rory awake.

"Come on Son."

"Where are we going?" Rory asks and rubs his eyes.

"We're going to go see Dad."

He sits up and we both stand up. The nurse leads us down the hallway and to a private room where Myc is being held.

She opens the door and we walk in before she shuts it. Myc is hooked up to few machines but I'm happy to see that he has a steady heartbeat.

Rory walks over and grabs one of Myc's hands and holds it. I stay back and look at them both. Myc seems so much paler than normal and it scares me.

"Father, is...." Rory cuts off and stares at me.

"I don't know Son, I don't know. But he's strong, so we can always pray."

"We're not religious." He states.

"No, but that doesn't mean we can't pray. It's better then having hope."

"Because hope is a silent killer." He says and I nod.

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