Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Warning, I've read a lot on this stuff and I've watched a lot of it, did my research, but that doesn't mean I'm completely accurate. I've never gone through something like this. Just figured I'd cut off anyone getting irritable over that if they've actually gone through the experience. 


When Hiroshi eventually got ahold of our parents, his expression filled with disbelief. After listening to them for a moment, he simply shook his head and handed the phone over to the doctor. His hands dropped into his lap, clenched into fists. I narrowed my eyes slightly, attempting to see past the emotion he was putting up. Hiroshi didn't care about us- either of us- so why would he be so upset that our parents felt the same? I'd hoped differently- but I'd known what they would do. They'd tell the doctor to leave Hiroshi in charge of Eri's medical decisions and that they'd spend whatever was needed. 

After all, if they refused to cover their teenage daughter's medical expenses it would reflect horribly on them. They'd rather fork out the money than deal with bad press. 

It was only a few moments before the doctor got off the phone with them looking noticeably more upset by the news than either of us did. How funny- he expected more out of our parents than we did. I suppose that was understandable- in the eyes of the public our parents were the type that donated millions towards searching for the cure to cancer in their daughter's name. In reality, they were the sort to do that, but continue on their vacation in the Caribbean while she was in the hospital. 

The moment the doctor handed over Hiroshi's phone, Kitaru who had been pacing up till that point, stopped and focused his attention on the doctor. 

"I'm to allow you to make all decisions," the doctor announced. "They'll fax over the official papers shortly."

Hiroshi snorted, shoving his phone in his pocket. 

"You mean their secretary will." 

"What about Eri?" I demanded, drawing the doctor's attention. "Can you tell us now? What's happening?" 

The doctor pursed his lips, raising the hand he'd kept hanging by his side up until that point. It was only then that I noticed he had a clipboard clutched in his hand. 

"Your brother was right... we got her blood tests back just before you arrived. Your sister... she's no longer in remission. We'll start a blood transfusion shortly. It's the best immediate treatment. As soon as she's regained consciousness, I would suggest we start planning a... long-term treatment plan. I'm sure you both already know what that entails. In my opinion, once she's been informed, I would like to start on the chemo as soon as possible- as soon as we're certain that there isn't an infection already in her system. Killing off the little immune system she has would only worsen her condition." 

I flinched. The unspoken words were obvious- he'd originally paused before mentioning a treatment plan because he wasn't sure how much good that would do. Eri had already beat the odds by going into remission the second time. A third remission... it was next to impossible. As soon as this thought crossed my mind I forced it away, as well as the tears threatening to appear. 

I couldn't think like that. I wouldn't. 

My nails sunk into the soft skin of my palms so deeply that I wouldn't have been surprised if they cut through.

"How bad?" Hiroshi questioned instantly. "And what about the falling injuries?"

"Her injuries from the fall were..." the doctor paused, his eyes flickering to me for a moment. "Minor. We've ran both a C.T. and an MRI. As for the cancer..."

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now